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The Real Meaning of No Porn November & How You Can Get Involved

The purpose of #NoPornovember is to change the conversation on the topic of porn around the world. It's time to take a stand and speak out. Are you in?

By November 1, 2023No Comments

Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society. No Porn November is all about giving visibility to these facts and empowering individuals to choose to be porn-free. Learn more by clicking here.

It’s officially almost November! And do you know what that means? It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year…

🎉 No Porn November!  🎉

Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society.

At Fight the New Drug, we inform individuals about the harms that consuming pornography can have on themselves, their loved ones, and their wider community. We share peer-reviewed research, anecdotal evidence, and personal accounts to spread awareness of the realities of pornography. 

Facts, numbers, and personal testimonies- that’s it. We believe there is a lot more to pornography than meets the eye, and many people are unaware of how consumption can affect them. To be clear, we are nonreligious and nonlegislative – we’re not about banning porn; we’re all for supporting individuals to make their own informed decision.

#NoPornovember is all about giving visibility to these facts and inspiring our world to be porn-free.

Why #NoPornovember matters more in 2023 than ever before

Porn has been normalized and glamorized more than ever in our culture, and so we need to educate and raise awareness about porn’s harms—now, more than ever before.

Porn fuels sex trafficking, ignores consent, promotes sexual violence, encourages coercion, advertises objectification, sells exploitation, perpetuates racism, and normalizes abuse.

FTND Resources

Our annual No Porn November campaign is the biggest campaign we have all year! We’ll kick off Day 1 of our annual campaign with the release of the all-new Fighter gear . Countless Fighters across the world are already generating buzz on this month-long campaign to raise awareness on the harmful effects of pornography, and we want you to be a part of it.

To get involved this month, check in with our No Porn November landing page to see what resources you can share throughout the month.

Here are a few things you can do to participate in this month-long awareness campaign:

1. Join our #NoPornovember challenge & events

Take part in a #NoPornovember challenge and our events throughout the month to learn more about the movement and change perceptions about porn. Check out our landing page keep up with everything!

• 30 Days Without Porn Challenge: Have you ever considered giving up porn for good? Try it this month for 30 days to see what can happen.

Feeling like you need some support to accomplish it? Our affiliates at Fortify can help! Fortify is an online recovery platform dedicated to helping individuals find lasting freedom from pornography. Learn, connect, and track your recovery journey. Plus, it’s now free to use! Try it out for #NoPornovember. What do you have to lose?


• Host a “Brain, Heart, World” screening: As the world has spent more time online, there has also been an increase in pornography consumption across the globe.​

Even though this is a global movement, and we cannot all physically be together in all places, we can still virtually band together as Fighters to educate ourselves and others on the harms of pornography.

Join Fighters from across the globe and stream ​our three-part documentary, Brain, Heart, World, from the comfort of your own home.

By participating, you’re joining with a global community of Fighters and taking the time to get educated on this important issue. Click here to create an account and stream the series for free.

BHW - General

Given the ever-growing body of research, it can no longer be denied that repeated porn exposure has a tangible effect on consumers and is connected to declining relationship satisfaction as well as various forms of exploitation.

This isn’t a moral argument, it’s simply something to consider given the facts. Brain, Heart, World exists to provide people with the opportunity to make an educated decision regarding pornography by highlighting its documented neurological, relational, and societal harmful effects.

Watch the trailer for the documentary right here:

2. Donate to Fight the New Drug

Another way you can participate in No Porn November is by supporting Fight the New Drug!

Did you know FTND is a 501(c)3 nonprofit? We would not be where we are today without the incredible, continued support of our worldwide network of Fighters.

All of your donations to this fight for love are tax-deductible in the U.S. and are used directly to develop new resources, translate materials, and reach more people around the world.

3. Join millions for #RepTheMovement Day + Grab new gear

Fighters, get ready to rep your favorite Fighter gear on #RepTheMovement Day!

On Friday, November 17th, you and millions of other Fighters are invited to wear one of our conversation-starting tees, or a tee from another organization whose message resonates with you, to educate others on the harms of pornography and sexual exploitation.

Our awareness-raising merchandise is proven to start conversations even when you would least expect it. We’ve received messages from Fighters who sparked new and often unexpected conversations by wearing a Fight the New Drug tee to the gym, grocery store, or on campus. 

Remember to tag us on social media (@fightthenewdrug) and use #RepTheMovement and #NoPornovember wherever you post on November 17th! Don’t have Fighter gear yet? There’s still time! Get your favorite Fighter gear at; we’ll have sales running all month long!

Not sure what to say when someone asks, “what does ‘Porn Kills Love’ mean?” and other questions about your Fighter gear? Check out this guide!

Each #NoPornovember, we release new Fighter gear to commemorate our activism, get people ready for #RepTheMovement Day, and remind our Fighters that they deserve better than porn.

This year, we are releasing some items that have never been seen before by all of our Fighters. There are limited quantities of some of our seasonal items, so once we drop them on November 1st, you’ll want to grab them before they’re gone!

Store - General

4. Get Informed + Spark Conversations

A big part of what we do here at Fight is spreading the research on pornography’s harmful effects. We understand it may be an uncomfortable or taboo topic for many, and that means it’s often accompanied by misinformation or ignorance. That’s why we build out resources to assist individuals in making an informed decision regarding porn.  Check out our educational videos, podcast, and Get the Facts resources to become more educated on the issue.

During NoPornovember get familiar with the issue and share what you learn online, via a conversation or by printing and posting one of our new Digital Downloads to your local community board. As an informed individual, you’ll be able to kick-start conversations with those around you. Open dialogue plays a critical part in spreading awareness, and it starts with becoming informed yourself.

Want to talk to a good friend or a partner who has been consuming for years or a coworker who you often chat with, maybe your son or daughter? Check out our Conversation Blueprint on how to start and navigate a conversation that can sometimes feel a little thorny or flat-out awkward. Whether you just met them or you’ve known them for years consider starting a conversation around porn; let the blueprint be your guide.

Conversation Blueprint

The real meaning of #NoPornovember

As cool as it is to launch exciting new additions to the movement, the annual #NoPornovember campaign has a much larger purpose.

This month is all about highlighting how changing the conversation about pornography begins with you, our Fighters. You are capable of creating real change—change to better yourself, your relationships, and your community—even if this is a difficult topic to discuss.

Real change is happening, and if you’re talking to anyone about porn’s harms in any way or taking the challenge to be porn-free, you’re a part of it.

The purpose of this month is to saturate social media and our communities, spreading the facts on the harms of pornography and being a strong voice for real love on social media. We want to help our Fighters change the conversation surrounding pornography by providing them with factual resources to spark a discussion, no matter where they are in the world.

Related: 13 Ways to Get Involved This No Porn November and Raise Awareness on Porn’s Harms

The content we release during #NoPornovember is meant to be shared, reposted, and talked about.

For the rest of the month, we will be releasing articles, videos, resources, and sharable images so that you Fighters can help others to get educated on the harmful effects of porn and have the opportunity to make an informed decision about it. That is the whole purpose of #NoPornovember.

We want everyone to feel they are part of this movement of social change and to give them the tools and resources to start making a difference right in their own circle of friends and followers. Got it?

This will be the best and biggest #NoPornovember yet, but we need your help to do it!

All throughout the year, Fighters message us asking how they can get involved. Well, now is your chance!

By taking part in  No Porn November, repping your Fighter gear, hosting viewing parties of our free-to-watch documentary series, and sharing facts on your social media, you are tangibly helping push this movement forward. We can’t do this without you.

Change begins with one, and the collection of all your voices will be what makes society see the real harms of pornography.

So, are you with us?

Remember to check out the official No Porn November homepage so you can keep up with this month’s resource and Fighter gear launches, and keep up with our social media to be the first to know about all our exciting things happening throughout the month!

You won’t want to miss a single thing—#NoPornovember is just getting started.

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Thanks for taking the time to read through this article! As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we're able to create resources like this through the support of people like you. Will you help to keep our educational resources free as we produce resources that raise awareness on the harms of porn and sexual exploitation?


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