It might surprise you to learn that nonconsensual porn is not uncommon. But are porn sites doing all they can to prevent and remove it? Spoiler alert:…
A trafficked 14-year-old from Michigan was able to save herself and two other exploited women because of a text she sent to a trafficking crisis hotline.
The five-man pedophilic ring made and distributed child porn for a total of 13 years, all from thousands of victims—including members of their own family.
Bryan Deneumostier posted ads on Craigslist, posing as a bored woman looking for sex. The men who responded had no idea the sexual encounters were filmed.
Sex-for-rent schemes aren't new, but they're on the rise now that millions of workers lost income over the last two months due to the novel coronavirus.
The 33-year-old persuaded teens to engage in sex acts with him on camera by falsely claiming the encounters were being shot for a porn video he was creating.
Kyra is helping out with two local organizations in her home of Aurora that house and support sex trafficking survivors to get them back on their feet.
How does the epidemic of human trafficking hide in plain sight? It can be easy to move and transport victims when traffickers don't think anyone is looking.…
The following post was originally published in Strength To Fight by Daniel Gilman. It has been edited for content & clarity. 3-minute read. In the following post,…