Behind the scenes of the finished product porn consumers see online, there are literally screams of the girls between scenes often saying things like, "Please stop," and,…
"Porn is a personal choice." "Mind your own business, porn doesn't hurt anyone." "If you don't like it, don't watch it." These are pretty common pro-porn arguments,…
The future of sex trafficking stings is here. The initiative uses fake internet ads that link to AI chatbots who interact with thousands of sex buyers.
Meet Tevan Tobler, a 16-year-old honor student who was the former president of the National Junior Honor Society, a champion high school wrestler, and an active member…
While many people claim to be opposed to human sex trafficking, what many don’t know is that the demand for human sex trafficking is fueled by pornography…
These claims further confirm that the porn industry is running a good PR campaign that covers over a multitude of misconduct and keeps consumers from knowing the…
Add the increased loneliness, boredom, stress, anxiety, and you get a recipe for what some describe as a “diminished capacity” for sexual decision-making.