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Over 100 quick stats and findings from an ever-growing body of research.

(Banca, Morris, Mitchell, Harrison, Potenza, & Voon, 2016; Kühn & Gallinat, 2014)
Desensitization, or a numbed pleasure response, has been shown to happen in cases of pornography consumption.
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Fast Fact #7
(Martellozzo, Monaghan, Adler, Davidson, Leyva, & Horvath, 2016)
Of the adolescents who had been exposed to porn, 28% were first exposed by accident, 19% were unexpectedly shown pornography by someone else, and only 19% searched for it intentionally, according to research by the NSPCC.
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Fast Fact #24
(Bőthe, Tóth-Király, Bella, Potenza, Demetrovics, & Orosz, 2021)
According to a 2021 study, only 5.94% of porn-consuming respondents said that they watched porn because of a "lack of sexual satisfaction." In other words, the vast majority of porn consumers are watching porn for reasons other than their partner not being "enough."
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Fast Fact #28
(Fritz, Malic, Paul, & Zhou, 2021)
A 2021 study analyzed videos from popular porn sites and found that porn featuring Black people tends to perpetuate harmful racist stereotypes, disproportionately emphasize violence and aggression, and often depicts Black people as “worse than objects.”
(International Labour Organization, 2017)
Of the approximately 24.9 million trafficking victims globally, an estimated 4.8 million—about 19%—are trafficked for sex, and more than 1 in 5 sex trafficking victims—an estimated 21%—are children, according to the International Labour Office.
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Fast Fact #69
(Rasmussen, 2016; Wright, Tokunaga, Kraus, & Klann, 2017)
Research shows that people who consume porn tend to later experience lower relationship satisfaction.
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Fast Fact #50
(Hilton, 2013; Goodwin, Browne, & Rockloff, 2015)
Porn is considered a supernormal stimulus.
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Fast Fact #21
(Brown, Durtschi, Carroll, & Willoughby, 2017)
People who use porn as a self-soothing technique tend to have some of the lowest reports of emotional and mental wellbeing according to a 2017 study.
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Fast Fact #17
(van Oosten & Vandenbosch, 2020)
Research shows that porn consumers are more likely to forward intimate images without consent. Researchers suggest this may be because regular porn consumers tend to develop sexually objectifying attitudes towards others.
(Tylka & Kroon Van Diest, 2015)
Women whose partners consume porn tend to experience more psychological distress, feel more objectified, have poorer body image, and are even more likely to develop eating disorder symptoms.
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Fast Fact #40
(Carroll, Busby, Willoughby, & Brown, 2017)
In a study of casually dating adults, zero women reported that their partner consumed pornography daily or every other day. But in reality, 43% of casually dating men in the study reported this level of heavy porn consumption.
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Fast Fact #30