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Over 100 quick stats and findings from an ever-growing body of research.

(van Oosten & Vandenbosch, 2020)
Research shows that porn consumers are more likely to forward intimate images without consent. Researchers suggest this may be because regular porn consumers tend to develop sexually objectifying attitudes towards others.
(Maddox, Rhoades, & Markman, 2011)
In comparison to couples who never viewed porn, a 2011 study found that those who watched porn alone reported twice the rate of cheating, and individuals who viewed porn alone and with their partners reported three times the rate of cheating.
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Fast Fact #42
(International Labour Organization, 2017)
Of the approximately 24.9 million trafficking victims globally, an estimated 4.8 million—about 19%—are trafficked for sex, and more than 1 in 5 sex trafficking victims—an estimated 21%—are children, according to the International Labour Office.
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Fast Fact #69
(Rothman, Kaczmarsky, Burke, Jansen, & Baughman, 2015)
Qualitative research reveals that young women often feel pressured to play out the “scripts” their male partners had learned from porn —they feel badgered into having sex in uncomfortable positions, faking sexual responses, and consenting to unpleasant or painful acts.
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Fast Fact #88