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10 Public Figures Who Raise Awareness on Porn’s Harms

Most of us don't have as many Instagram followers as these Fighters, but anyone can make a difference when it comes to raising awareness on the harmful effects of porn in society.

When we were founded in 2009, we could have never dreamed that high-profile people in society would want to specifically partner with us to get the word out on porn’s harms. The topic of porn and its harmful effects used to be something you’d never hear about from athletes, actors, activists, or other social media influencers—but that’s all changing.

Due to the science and research that is coming out all of the time on the harmful effects of porn, more and more public figures are starting to take a stand to change the conversation about porn in our society and how this issue has affected them personally or sparked a passion in their lives.

Here are a handful of our Fighter friends who have publicly addressed the issue of pornography and why they think it’s harmful.

Related: 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Fight the New Drug

Of course, they are just a few out of the millions of Fighters who don’t support it, but they have used their growing social platforms to speak up about the realities of porn. Their reasons and experiences are varied, but the message all boils down to the same fact: porn is anything but harmless entertainment.

So, in order to get you hyped to continue in the fight to raise awareness on porn’s harmful effects, we’re giving credit where credit is due to these incredible Fighters. In their own words, here’s why they fight.

Disclaimer: Fight the New Drug collaborates with a variety of qualified organizations and individuals with varying personal beliefs, affiliations, and political persuasions. As FTND is a non-religious and non-legislative organization, the personal beliefs, affiliations, and persuasions of any of our team members or of those we collaborate with do not reflect or impact the mission of Fight the New Drug.


Matthias J. Barker || licensed therapist and social media personality – @matthiasjbarker

Matthias J. Barker is a mental health professional and well-known TikTok personality.

As a licensed therapist, Matthias focuses on helping people overcome childhood trauma and marital issues and empowering people to move toward what’s meaningful and healthy in the midst of life’s hardships.

In a Consider Before Consuming podcast episode, listen to Matthias talk about the issue of shame when consumers deal with their own compulsion to view pornography, how betrayal trauma can impact partners of porn consumers, and how someone can overcome a struggle with pornography with compassion for themself and their partner.

Josh Radnor || actor and writer – @joshradnor

You know him as Ted Mosby from “How I Met Your Mother,” but we know him as a Fighter and a friend to this movement. Here’s what Josh Radnor had to say in an interview with us about porn’s harms:

“I think the biggest problem ultimately is that porn preys upon our vulnerabilities and appeals to the lowest parts of ourselves. It’s an extension of what I find to be so exhausting about modern life, that we’re never not being sold things. Even use of terms like ‘food porn,’ this kind of non-stop hijacking of our senses is going on, this attempt to keep us chronically aroused and craving. That might keep the economy humming but it also creates suffering.”

Click here to read more of what Josh Radnor has to say about porn.

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Paris Berelc || actress and anti-trafficking advocate – @theparisberelc

Paris Berelc is an American actress and model. She is known for her roles as Skylar Storm in the Disney XD series Mighty Med, and Lab Rats: Elite Force, and Alexa Mendoza in the Netflix sitcom Alexa & Katie.

Paris recently joined this movement for love by posting about how porn and sex trafficking are connected during our annual #StopTheDemand campaign in July.

Maddie Corman || actress, and playwright – @msmaddiecorman

Maddie Corman started her career as a child actor in the 1980’s, growing to become an American film and television actor appearing in over 25 films.

But Maddie’s world was rocked when her television director husband was very publicly arrested for possession of child pornography. She’s spoken up about what she’s gone through and become a public advocate for this movement for love!

Maddie has since found healing through the one-woman show she wrote, and stars in that explains her true story of discovering the new normal when her world fell apart.

Listen to Maddie Corman episode on our podcast, Consider Before Consuming, where she discusses how she faced betrayal, shame, and eventually forgiveness in this must-hear episode. Listen to Maddie’s one-woman show, Accidentally Brave, on Audible or learn more at

Terry Crews || actor and activist – @terrycrews

The lovable and admirable Terry Crews is no stranger to confronting challenging topics in society, pornography being one of them. Now, he’s connected in a big way with the “Porn Kills Love” movement.

In his first viral Facebook live confessional video about his porn problem, he said the following:

“This thing has become a problem, I think it’s a worldwide problem.. Pornography really messed up my life in a lot of ways. Some people deny it and say, ‘Hey man you can’t really be addicted to pornography, there’s no way.’ But I’ll tell you something: if day turns into night and you’re still watching, you probably got a problem. And that was me.”

In 2021, we sat down with Terry for an interview for our podcast, Consider Before Consuming. He reaffirmed his love for this global movement and his commitment to educating others on the harmful effects of porn.

Click here to learn more about why Terry Crews wants you to stop watching porn.

Kenzie Morley || yoga and fitness personality – @yogoskenz

Kenzie sat down with us to share how porn and a healthy lifestyle don’t fit together. From her interview:

“Yoga teaches respect and love for others, but porn teaches the total opposite. There is no respect in porn, just impulsive, selfish acts based on selfish pleasure, not love. Yoga teaches a connection between mind, body, and spirit, but porn rewards the impulsive disconnect between mind, body, and heart—the mind causes the body to react to stimulations, while the heart is not involved at all. Yoga teaches loyalty to friends and family, while pornography makes you throw these away and even sexualize family members. But for what? All for images on a screen—fake, airbrushed images.

Yoga is about being the best people we can be, and loving who we are as we truly are, so that we can love others the same in return. Porn is all about lies, and has nothing to do with truth, or being happy about ourselves or our loved ones.”

Click here to read more from @YogosKenz’s interview with us.

Christian || founder of 1924US and recovering porn addict -@1924us

Christian, the founder of a branding agency called 1924us with tens of thousands of followers, has joined with our global movement of Fighters.

As a recovering porn addict, Christian uses his platform to speak on the issue of pornography through eye-catching designs and sharing his own experiences.

In a Consider Before Consuming podcast episode, listen to Christian talk about the role being sexually abused as a child played in his struggle with pornography, how he eventually overcame it, and why he believes it’s important to use his company’s platform to speak up on this issue.

Marisol Nichols || actor and anti-trafficking advocate – @marisolnichols

Riverdale actress and anti-trafficking activist Marisol Nichols has joined this movement for love because of the exploitation in the porn industry.

In her own words: “I understand this is a touchy subject but I feel it is my duty to fight for victims of sex trafficking. From @fightthenewdrug: The porn industry is a sketchy industry to begin with, but it takes a really dangerous turn when porn involving sex trafficking victims is made and distributed. Countless women have been kidnapped, abused, drugged, threatened, and coerced into doing porn; this is, by definition, sex trafficking/slavery.”

She joined us on our podcast this year and told us all about her work with rescuing trafficking victims. Listen below!

Elaine Bradley || musician – @elainetrees

Musician Elaine Bradley has also joined the fight as an advocate and activist.

From our interview: “I have been anti-porn—meaning, of the sound opinion that porn is harmful, and really isn’t doing our society any favors—for a long while. I had even tweeted a link to a lengthy article about the damaging effects of porn long before I had heard of Fight the New Drug. I think I was clicking around the internet when I found out about your movement.

I was really excited that something already existed. I looked at the website and read a lot of the info, which made me a fan, supporter, and as you say, a ‘Fighter.’ I saw the bold, red Porn Kills Love tee, and wanted one.”

Click here to read more of her exclusive interview with us, and here to read more about how porn has affected her marriage.

Chaz Smith || YouTuber – @chazsmith

In our exclusive interview with the “Water is not Wet” YouTuber, Chaz Smith opened up to us about porn and its harms in the world:

“What a lot of people don’t know many of the people who are actors in porn do it out of desperation. A lot of people are involved in sex trafficking. A lot of people who are involved in it have been traumatized or abused in some way, and they’re trying to fill a void by doing this. It’s often time an option for people who are struggling. There are very few people who are doing this because they wanted to with joy. This isn’t something people do for fun, often times, it’s out of desperation. It’s not as free as people think it is.”

Click here to read more of his exclusive interview with us.

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Giving visibility to causes that matter

Whether you like it or not, a lot of people look to the causes that public figures support for inspiration on what they themselves should contribute to. And when these people use their public platforms to give visibility to this important issue, it makes that much more of a difference.

Most of us may not have as many Twitter or Instagram followers as these awesome Fighters, but absolutely anyone can make a difference when it comes to raising awareness on the harmful effects of porn in society.

This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter who you are, the facts remain the same: porn is harmful, and people are starting to speak up about it.

Fight the New Drug collaborates with a variety of qualified organizations and individuals with varying personal beliefs, affiliations, and political persuasions. As FTND is a non-religious and non-legislative organization, the personal beliefs, affiliations, and persuasions of any of our team members or of those we collaborate with do not reflect or impact the mission of Fight the New Drug.

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