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Is No Porn November the Same as No Nut November?

No Porn November is different than No Nut November. No Nut November is specifically about giving up masturbation, and No Porn November is about raising awareness on porn's harms. Fight the New Drug does not have a stance on masturbation nor do we have resources on that topic.

By October 31, 2022No Comments

Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society. No Porn November is all about giving visibility to these facts and empowering individuals to choose to be porn-free. Learn more by clicking here.

No Porn November is upon us! Ever heard of it? It’s completely different than the campaign called “No Nut November,” and we’ll tell you how.

First, let’s talk about No Porn November, or “#NoPornovember” as some call it. What is it and how did it start?

What is #NoPornNovember?

Since 2014, Fight the New Drug has done an annual awareness-raising campaign in November and called it No Porn November.

In case you didn’t know, Fight the New Drug (FTND) is a non-religious and non-legislative nonprofit that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.

Related: No Porn November Challenge: Could You Give Up Porn for 30 Days?

By now, you might be asking, What’s so harmful about porn?

Significant impacts of porn consumption for individuals, relationships, and society have been demonstrated by decades of studies from respected institutions around the world. To read more about the research-backed harms of porn, read this article.

Simply put, No Porn November is a campaign where we challenge people to go at least a month without looking at porn, or to educate themselves and others about the research that show’s porn’s harms. #NoPornovember just turns up the volume on what we do all year through our educational resources, live presentations, and documentary series, which is give people the opportunity to make an informed decision on porn.

FTND Resources

What is #NoNutNovember?

So if that’s NoPornNovember, what is NoNutNovember? How are they different?

No Porn November is totally different from No Nut November because No Nut November is specifically about giving up masturbation. As an organization, FTND does not have a stance on masturbation nor do we have resources on this topic. We only educate about pornography. No Porn November focuses exclusively on raising awareness of porn’s well-documented harms.

Related: The Real Meaning of No Porn November & How You Can Get Involved

FTND focuses specifically on educating about porn and encouraging individuals to consider not watching it because there is so much research showing how porn can seriously negatively affect people. Not to mention that the porn industry has been shown to be unethical, exploitative, and consuming porn can contribute to the demand for abusive content.

So we’re not anti-masturbation—we don’t have a stance on it, that’s a totally personal decision. It’s porn that’s the issue we focus on.

Learn more about porn’s harmful effects

If you’re curious to learn more, there are hundreds of studies on the negative effects of porn, including how it can harm consumers’ mental health, hurt their relationships, and warp the way consumers view sex.

A lot of people don’t realize how much porn has been affecting them until they try to go without it. So why not try it? This November, try giving up porn during #NoPornovember and see what happens. What do you have to lose?

Related: 13 Ways to Get Involved This No Porn November and Raise Awareness on Porn’s Harms

If you want to give up watching porn and would like some support, check out our affiliates at Fortify. Fortify is a science-based recovery tool to help individuals quit pornography through comprehensive training, real-time analytics, and interactive support so that more people can find greater happiness and lasting love.


Need help?

For those reading this who feel they are struggling with pornography, you are not alone. Check out Fortify, a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping you find lasting freedom from pornography. Fortify now offers a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your unwanted porn habit, and track your recovery journey. There is hope—sign up today.


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