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How Far Your Donation Goes with Fight the New Drug

From our beginning in 2009, we would be nowhere without our Fighters, and we are so grateful for the support we receive from each and every one of you.

By August 10, 2024No Comments

Grab the Love is Focus tee in this header image by clicking here. 5-minute read.

Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society. No Porn November is all about giving visibility to these facts and empowering individuals to choose to be porn-free. Learn more by clicking here.

We know you have the option to support thousands of different nonprofits. We want to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for being our Fighters and for choosing to partner with us to stop the demand for sexual exploitation.

From our beginning in 2009 to now, we would be nowhere without our Fighters. We are so grateful for the support we receive from each and every one of you. Thank you for repping the movement and sharing our resources with your friends, family, and society.

Related: What You Support When You Rep the Movement

With every ‘share,’ ‘like,’ and comment, our movement grows. With every donation and tee shirt purchase, it grows a little bit more. The more we can grow this movement for love through education, the more we can decrease the demand for porn. This, in turn, helps reduce sexual exploitation.

One huge way you can partner with us today is by giving online through our donation portal or clicking the button below. You can also donate to Fight the New Drug through Venmo.

Donate Now

Here’s how to do it. Click here to visit our official FTND donate page.

Another way to support the fight against sexual exploitation is to become an FTND insider with Fighter Club.

If you consider yourself a supporter and you’re looking for a way to join those going above and beyond to spread the word on porn’s harms, we invite you to partner with us in raising awareness around the world monthly through joining our Fighter Club.

Joining is easy, and you get some pretty incredible perks, too! Check it out and see if it’s something you’d like to get involved with.

What do your donations support?

Your donations and store purchases from Fighters like you directly mobilize our education and awareness campaigns. That support has allowed us to reach hundreds of thousands of people through live presentations and tens of millions of people around the world through social media.

In addition to that, our present and future projects will continue to educate vast numbers of people and add to this tidal wave of social change.

So, when you decide to support this organization, what exactly are you contributing to? How do donations or buying a tee from our online store actively contribute to this movement?

It’s important to us that our supporters know their donations are being used effectively. Because of this, we work diligently to receive the best nonprofit accreditations possible to ensure accountability and transparency. Click here to view our financials and annual reports.

Related: 6 Simple Ways You Can Donate to Fight the New Drug Today

Fighters all over the world have generously agreed to partner with us in spreading the word on the harms of porn. We want to be clear about just how far each donation goes. Your support is massively important in continuing to give a platform to the life-changing research that demonstrates the harmful impacts of porn.

By choosing to actively support Fight the New Drug today, you’ll be helping to make these projects possible.

Globalization: getting the word out

The best, most thorough, and credible information could come from the best sources. However, if we don’t share it and give it a platform, no one will know about it. That’s why developing and producing quality, sharable resources is a vital and necessary part of this movement, and that’s why your part in our mobilization is so important.

The mobilization of our efforts across the globe is who we are, at the core: an awareness campaign and an educational platform that shines a light on pornography’s harms. We have spent countless hours developing programs. We consulted many experts to ensure these programs effectively reach people around the world. Our goal is to educate them on why porn is harmful to individuals, relationships, and society.

Our goal is to ensure that anyone can access this information, so we’ve gathered it and optimized it for sharing and starting conversations.

The resources our Fighters donate go directly into making these things possible!

Our Three-Part Documentary Series | Brain, Heart World is Fight the New Drug’s three-part documentary series. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to produce this incredible resource and offer it for free viewing for private viewings.

Educational Videos & Fighter Story Videos | Because of our support, we’re able to produce educational videos as well as capture videos of experts in various fields related to the subject of porn’s harm. Also, we’re able to film and produce personal stories of those whose lives have been impacted by porn. Anyone can view these short videos by visiting our short video page on our site or our YouTube channel.

Translated resources | Also included in our globalization efforts are our ongoing translation projects, which involve professionally translating select FTND materials and resources into other languages. Right now, you can access our Spanish-version FTND site and watch our three-part documentary, Brain, Heart, World, with Spanish subtitles!

Related: How You Can Bring Fight the New Drug to Your School, City, or Conference

The Blog & Research Articles | Mobilization efforts also include our blog, which has over 1,000 articles, all centering around how porn is connected to sex trafficking, relationship dissatisfaction, and harms to consumers of porn. Additionally, we have other collaborative efforts, including partnering with researchers and experts in writing our Get the Facts articles and getting the word out on social media with professional writers, influencers, and experts.

Social Media Awareness Campaigns | FTND’s ever-growing online presence continues to be one of the most recognized aspects of our organization and one that raises awareness by educating millions of people each year. Behind every post, every tweet, every video, and every blog is an entire team of people dedicated to making sure that we’re delivering the best, most accurate, and relevant information available to the public relating to porn’s harms. Anyone can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTube.

At the end of the day, this wouldn’t be a global movement without all of you. When you support FTND, you’re giving further power to the facts that society desperately needs to hear.

Education: Raising awareness and empowering youth

We believe education is one of the best ways to reduce the demand for pornography, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. By traveling worldwide, we share the facts with our target audience, youth and teens.

Our ambassadors and presenters give informative and quality presentations to a variety of different audiences, where we share resources to help educate our world on this issue. Our current and past programs and projects are just the beginning of our efforts to educate the world. They are made possible by support from people like you all around the world.

Live Presentation ProgramFight the New Drug’s live assembly program is one of the most effective and powerful tools for our cause. Our age-appropriate and engaging presentations highlight research from respected academic institutions. This research demonstrates the significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society.

Having the opportunity to be face-to-face with tens of thousands of youth, parents, community leaders, and educators all across the country every year is a huge indicator of how many schools and communities are joining the movement and agreeing that pornography is a huge issue for this generation.


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We are officially booking presentations for the ’23 school year. Get more info and book a presentation HERE.

The power of providing our engaging multimedia presentation in schools and communities nationwide was and continues to be immediately apparent. This results in more connections, awareness, and education where it’s needed most.

Live Presentations

Brain, Heart World, Our Documentary Series | This three-part film series educates young viewers on how porn affects individuals through a combination of engaging humor, relatable personal stories, and the clear presentation of facts.

  • “The Brain” dives into the scientific research that illustrates the physiological and neurological harms pornography has on individuals.
  • “The Heart” explores how pornography affects romantic relationships, platonic relationships, and everyday interpersonal connections.
  • “The World” highlights porn’s impact on society in a variety of ways. This includes porn’s inextricable connection to the global issue of sex trafficking.

Dozens of experts do a fantastic job of explaining the research in terms that young people can understand. You might laugh. You might cry. You’ll definitely think.

Click here to view all three episodes for free! We can’t wait for you to see the educational tool you’ve helped us create with your support, and your continued support helps keep this resource free to view and share!

BHW - General

Consider Before Consuming, a Podcast by Fight the New Drug | In 2019, we added a new resource to our growing list of educational resources: Fight the New Drug’s first-ever podcast. In each episode of Consider Before Consuming, we discuss the science and research behind the negative effects of pornography so we can better understand the issue and help connect people with the facts they need to make an informed decision on porn.

In every episode, we sit down with an expert, public figure, survivor, or fellow Fighter. We hear their thoughts or personal experiences surrounding this topic in each unique episode. You might laugh, you might cry, but you’ll definitely think about how porn influences the world around you.

Subscribe to Consider Before Consuming wherever you listen to podcasts. Click below to learn more about which platforms we stream from.


Get the Facts, our research-based articles | As a research-based movement, quality sources, and credible information are invaluable. Because of our supporters’ generosity, we have been able to spend the time and resources to produce 15 quality research-based articles as a core resource of ours that explain how porn has been shown to impact consumers, relationships, and society negatively.

Get The Facts

Let’s Talk About Porn: A Conversation Blueprint | Our most comprehensive online conversation guide yet, Let’s Talk About Porn. Every day, we’re messaged and emailed by countless individuals from all around the world. They ask how they can start conversations about porn with loved ones or strangers.

No matter who you might want to talk to for what reason concerning porn, we’ve got your back.

We’ve got interactive conversation guides for parents, partners, friends, kids, and strangers. Explore the site by clicking the image below!

Conversation Blueprint

TruthAboutPorn.orgNow, you can sort through countless research studies from major institutions that detail the harmful effects of porn. Think of it like an aggregated research site, complete with video interviews of experts worldwide in diverse academic fields.

The next time you have a research project or want to see the raw text from studies, free from commentary, check out Our Fighters made this resource happen!

Truth About Porn

Fast Facts | Many people need statistics and numbers to truly understand an issue, which is why we put together a resource that lists over 100 quick factoids about the porn industry and the harms it fuels.

Check out our Fast Facts page to learn more about how porn can harm individuals, relationships, and society.

Fast Facts

Video projects | Visual media is one of the most powerful storytelling and educating mediums. Since 2009, we’ve prioritized providing captivating storytelling and informative resources through our videos. Donations and support from Fighters make it possible to interview the leading experts and researchers on this issue all over the world, as well as give visibility to the stories of survivors of trafficking and abuse and those who have conquered a struggle against porn.

Every day, we’re excited by the potential of these projects. We know they can reach individuals across the globe with the facts. They all depend on the support of Fighters like you. What we’ve listed here is only the start of what we’re working on.

Thank you, Fighters

There are many other ongoing and future projects that we’re continuing to create and share. Projects that wouldn’t be possible without your support. Your continued choice to partner with us in this fight for love makes it all possible.

Through whatever means you’re able to, supporting this organization is a way of representing the stand you’re taking against porn. It also shows your commitment to fighting for real love. If you want to continue to further the impact you’re making, make sure to have conversations, share the research we’ve compiled, and spread the movement to friends and family, bringing us to present in your community.

All of these things, no matter how small they seem, make a huge difference and make a dent in this issue, which you can experience through real social change.

Donate Now

If you have the means to do so, please consider grabbing a Fighter tee, joining the Fighter Club with a recurring donation, or making a one-time donation to this awareness campaign today so that together, we can continue to make an active difference in millions of lives.

Thank you, Fighters, for your continued passion for this cause and for supporting and partnering with us however you can. We’re just starting and honored by our continually growing, motivated community of loyal supporters.

Related: How You Can Make a Lasting Impact with Fight the New Drug

Become the Movement

Today, consider making an impact with Fight the New Drug. Partner with us via Fighter Club or a one-time donation. Together, our voices are loud in speaking out against sexual exploitation and porn’s harms.

Support this resource

Thanks for reading our article! Fight the New Drug is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which means the educational resources we create are made possible through donations from people like you. Join Fighter Club for as little as $10/month and help us educate on the harms of porn!


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