We know that there are thousands of different nonprofits you could support, and we want to take a moment and sincerely thank you for being a Fighter and for choosing to contribute to stopping the demand for sexual exploitation by partnering with us.
From our very beginning in 2009, to where we are now, we would be nowhere without our Fighters, and we are so grateful for the support we receive from each and every one of you who are repping the movement and sharing our resources with your friends, family members, and society.
This global movement exists because of Fighters like you who are bodly sharing the facts on the harms of porn because you know it will make a difference. We’ve received tons of messages from people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences who have been impacted by the harms of porn. When polling our Fighters, over 94% agreed Fight the New Drug content has impacted them, and over 81% s said Fight the New Drug has helped them or others in their life consume less or no porn. When you donate to Fight the New Drug, you are helping one person at a time live their lives free from the harms of porn.
Every donation directly fuels our ability to create educational resources, thus decreasing the demand for sexual exploitation.
You can help us make a difference today by giving online through our donation portal or clicking below.
Another way to support the fight against sexual exploitation is to become an FTND insider by joining Fighter Club.
Our Fighter Club members believe in giving back and in making a difference in the world. If you consider yourself a supporter and you’re looking for a way to join those going above and beyond to spread the word on porn’s harms, we invite you to partner with us in raising awareness around the world through joining our Fighter Club. Joining is easy, and you get some pretty incredible perks, too. Check it out and see if it’s something you’d like to get involved with.
What do your donations support?
Your donations and store purchases directly mobilize our education and awareness campaigns, allowing us to spread education to over a million people through live presentations and tens of millions worldwide via social media.
In addition, our present and future projects continue to educate vast numbers of people and add to this huge wave of social change.
So, when you decide to support this organization, what exactly are you contributing to? How is making a donation, or joining Fighter Club, or grabbing a tee from our online store an active way for you to contribute to this movement?
Since Fighters all over the world have generously agreed to partner with us in spreading the word on the harms of porn, we want to be clear about just how far each donation goes and why your support is so massively important in continuing to give a platform to the life-changing research that demonstrates the harmful impacts of porn.
By choosing to support Fight the New Drug today, here are the projects you’ll be helping to make possible.
Globalization: Getting the word out
Without a platform, even the most thorough and credible information from the best sources won’t reach anyone. That’s why developing and producing quality, sharable resources is a vital and necessary part of this movement, and that’s why your part in our mobilization is so essential.
The mobilization of our efforts across the globe is who we are, at the core: an awareness campaign and an educational platform that shines a light on pornography’s harms. We have spent countless hours and consulted with many experts in developing programs that will best reach people around the world to educate them on why porn is harmful to individuals, relationships, and society. Our goal is to ensure anyone can access this information, so we’ve gathered it and optimized it for sharing and conversation-starting.
The resources our Fighters donate go directly into making these things possible!
Educational Videos & True Story Videos | Because of your support, we’re able to produce educational videos comprised of experts, professionals, advocates, and personal accounts related to the subject of porn’s harm. Anyone can view these short videos by visiting our short video page on our site or our YouTube channel.
Translated resources | Also included in our globalization efforts are our ongoing translation projects, which involve professionally translating select FTND materials and resources into other languages. Right now, you can access select FTND resources in Spanish. You can also watch our three-part documentary, Brain, Heart, World, with Spanish subtitles.
Awareness and Research Articles | Mobilization efforts also include our blog, which has over 1,500 articles centering around how porn is connected to sex trafficking, relationship dissatisfaction, and negatively impacting consumers. Additionally, our Get the Facts articles provide easily accessible education.
Social Media Awareness Campaigns | FTND’s ever-growing online presence continues to be one of the most recognized aspects of our organization. Our digital campaigns raise awareness by educating millions of people each year. Behind every post, every tweet, every video, and every blog is an entire team of people dedicated to making sure that we’re delivering the best, most accurate, and relevant information available to the public relating to porn’s harms. Anyone can follow us on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.
This wouldn’t be a global movement without all of you, and when you support FTND, you’re contributing to educating millions.
Education: Raising awareness and empowering youth
We believe that one of the most significant ways to decrease the demand for pornography, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking is through education. Through our live presentations, we share the facts with our target audience, youth, and teens.
Our uniquely trained presenters share informative and quality presentations to a variety of different audiences, including students, parents, college students, community members, and more. Since 2011 we’ve reached over one million individuals, and 93% of audience members agree porn can be harmful after attending one of our live events.
Live Presentation Program | Fight the New Drug’s presentation program is one of the most effective and powerful tools for our cause. Having the opportunity to be face-to-face with tens of thousands of youth, parents, community leaders, and educators all across the country every year is a huge indicator of how many schools and communities are joining the movement and recognizing the need for education on pornography.
Research suggests that school staff and administrators see pornography as a serious issue that affects their school’s cultural climate surrounding sexual violence and that education programs on porn help them feel more confident in addressing the issue and preventing sexual harassment.Maas, M. K., Gal, T., Cary, K. M., & Greer, K. (2022). Popular culture and pornography education to improve the efficacy of secondary school staff response to student sexual harassment., 1-23. doi:10.1080/15546128.2022.2076757Copy 1
We take a three-dimensional approach to raising awareness on the harmful effects of pornography in society, so in addition to creating tools and resources for our global supporter base to share, we also love getting face-to-face with people in their schools and cities to provide research-backed information on this important issue. Your donations make this resource possible.
Brain, Heart World, Our Documentary Series|This three-part film series educates young viewers on how porn affects individuals through a combination of engaging humor, relatable personal stories, and the clear presentation of facts.
- “The Brain” dives into the scientific research that illustrates the physiological and neurological harms pornography has on individuals.
- “The Heart” explores pornography’s impacts on romantic relationships and on platonic relationships such as those with friends, family, and everyday interpersonal connections.
- “The World” highlights porn’s impact on society in a variety of ways, including porn’s inextricable connection to the global issue of sex trafficking.
Dozens of experts do a fantastic job of explaining the research in terms that young people can understand. You might laugh. You might cry. You’ll definitely think.
Click here to view all three episodes for free! We can’t wait for you to see the educational tool you’ve helped us create with your support, and your continued support helps keep this resource free to view and share!
Consider Before Consuming, a Podcast by Fight the New Drug | In 2019, we added a new resource to our growing list of educational resources: Fight the New Drug’s first-ever podcast. In each episode of Consider Before Consuming, we discuss the science and research behind the negative effects of pornography so we can better understand the issue and help connect people with the facts they need to make an informed decision on porn.
In every episode, we talk with an expert, public figure, trafficking or abuse survivor, or fellow Fighter about their thoughts or personal experiences surrounding this topic in each unique episode.
Subscribe to Consider Before Consuming wherever you listen to podcasts. Click below to learn more about which platforms we stream from.
Get the Facts, our research-based articles | As a research-based movement, quality sources, and credible information are invaluable. Because of our supporters’ generosity, we have been able to spend the time and resources to produce 15 quality research-based articles as a core resource of ours that explain how porn has been shown to impact consumers, relationships, and society negatively.
Let’s Talk About Porn: A Conversation Blueprint | Our most comprehensive online conversation guide yet, Let’s Talk About Porn. Every day, we’re messaged and emailed by countless individuals worldwide, asking how they can start conversations about porn with loved ones or strangers. No matter who you might want to talk to for what reason concerning porn, we’ve got your back.
We’ve got interactive conversation guides for parents, partners, friends, kids, and strangers. Explore the site by clicking the image below!
TruthAboutPorn.org | Now, you can sort through countless research studies from major institutions that detail the harmful effects of porn. Think of it like an aggregated research site, complete with video interviews of experts from around the world in diverse academic fields. The next time you have a research project or want to see the raw text from studies, free from commentary, check out TruthAboutPorn.org. Our Fighters made this resource happen!
Fast Facts | Many people need statistics and numbers to truly understand an issue, which is why we put together a resource that lists over 100 quick factoids about the porn industry and the harms it fuels.
Check out our Fast Facts page to learn more about how porn can harm individuals, relationships, and society.
Video projects | Visual media is one of the most powerful storytelling and educating mediums. Since our start in 2009, we’ve prioritized providing comprehensive and captivating storytelling and information-packed resources through our videos. Donations and support from Fighters make it possible to interview the leading experts and researchers on this issue all over the world, as well as give visibility to the stories of survivors of trafficking and abuse and those who have conquered a struggle against porn.
Every day, we’re excited by the potential we know projects like these have to reach individuals across the globe with the facts, and they all depend on the support of Fighters like you. What we’ve listed here is only the start of what we’re working on.
Thank you, Fighters
There are many other ongoing and future projects that we’re continuing to create and share, and they wouldn’t be possible without your support and your continued choice to partner with us in this fight for love.
To continue the impact you’re making, have conversations, share the research, and consider bringing us to present in your community.
No matter how small they seem, your efforts make a huge difference.
So consider grabbing a Fighter tee, joining the Fighter Club, signing up to make recurring donations, or making a one-time donation to this awareness campaign today so that together, we can continue to make an active difference in millions of lives.
Thank you, Fighters, for your continued passion for this cause and for supporting and partnering with us however you can. We’re just getting started and are honored to have such a motivated and continually growing community of loyal supporters.
Become the movement
Today, consider making an impact with Fight the New Drug. Partner with us via Fighter Club or a one-time donation. Together, let’s create a world free from sexual exploitation.
Support this resource
Thanks for reading our article! Fight the New Drug is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which means the educational resources we create are made possible through donations from people like you. Join Fighter Club for as little as $10/month and help us educate on the harms of porn!
1Maas, M. K., Gal, T., Cary, K. M., & Greer, K. (2022). Popular culture and pornography education to improve the efficacy of secondary school staff response to student sexual harassment., 1-23. doi:10.1080/15546128.2022.2076757