Cover photo by Michaela. 3 minute read. There was a time when the issue of pornography was a matter of personal opinion. Some people felt it was natural, normal,…
Since porn first appeared on the internet only a few decades ago, the accessibility, affordability, and anonymity of consuming addictive and explicit images have increased and attracted…
Porn. What's the big deal? Everyone looks at it, so it must be totally fine. Right? Not exactly. Watching porn isn't actually a habit without consequences or…
The full study can be accessed here. Authors: Hald, G., Malamuth, N., Lange, T. Published October 2013 Abstract Given consistent cross-cultural findings of high prevalence rates of pornography consumption…
Hi FTND, Thanks for your post about how porn can give people false expectations for relationships. It's nice to get another witness from a completely separate source…
According to local reports, over 120 missing children were found safe during a one-day human trafficking sting in Michigan. Operation MISafeKid was conducted by the U.S. Marshals Service, Michigan State…
The full study can be accessed here. Clinicians’ Beliefs, Observations, and Treatment Effectiveness Regarding Clients’ Sexual Addiction and Internet Pornography Use Authors: Mary B. Short, Chad T. Wetterneck,…
In June of this year, the United States Department of State (DOS) issued its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report. The report, in its 18th year, highlights…