"I doubted his ability to recover... But time and time again he proved to me that his genuine character was good. And that although this addiction was…
Not ever having seen porn doesn’t automatically mean they’re going to be a great partner, just like exposure to porn doesn't automatically make them a bad partner.
What started a decade ago as a group of college friends who shared a passion for positively impacting the world has grown into a worldwide movement of…
Shortly after the media firestorm Hartley's talk sparked, Fight the New Drug was booked to speak on campus in a presentation that's taking place this week.
"You know I stopped watching porn. You don’t know that it was because I woke back up after seeing disturbing videos of women being used as sex slaves."
Porn. What's the big deal? Everyone looks at it, so it must be totally fine. Right? Not exactly. Watching porn isn't actually a habit without consequences or…
Hi FTND, Thanks for your post about how porn can give people false expectations for relationships. It's nice to get another witness from a completely separate source…