Every year, our friends at NCOSE release their annual “Dirty Dozen List,” a who’s who list of leading contributors to sexual exploitation in the US. Here's 2020's round-up.
There are plenty of reasons why the porn industry promotes harmful messages, but would you expect capitalizing off of racism to be one of those reasons?
"I couldn't hold down long-term relationships because I never knew how to properly have one. All my information about love was from the porn I watched."
Being sex-positive is essential to a healthy, loving relationship. And porn? Porn fits the definition of promoting unhealthy, sex-negative ideas and practices.
It’s safe to say that the porn industry is, at best, complicit in trafficking and, at worst, an active participant—possibly similarly to these hotel groups.
Every day, it seems like technology moves ahead by 10 years. Artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) are terms we hear thrown around almost constantly, developments…