5 Ex-Porn Performers Who Are Now Anti-Porn Article
Here is a list of just a few ex-porn performers who had successful careers in the porn industry, only to reveal what it’s truly like to be in porn.
Here is a list of just a few ex-porn performers who had successful careers in the porn industry, only to reveal what it’s truly like to be in porn.
Everyone knows about porn, but not everyone knows about the brutal treatment and abuse that performers often go through to create it. Hear from 10 ex-porn stars reveal what it’s really like to be part of the porn industry.
This former porn performer opened up about his experience with the downfall of the adult industry, and why he had to choose between his health or continuing his career in the adult industry.
The men in porn appear as though they are dominant and in control, but behind the scenes, they are often victims of the same harsh conditions and harmful situations as female performers.
Hear from popular performers who experienced sexual assault on porn sets to understand that exploitation is not rare in the porn industry.
At the age of four, Crissy Outlaw was molested and sexually abused, starting a pattern of abuse that continued throughout her childhood and teen years. As an adult, various decisions led Crissy to start working as a performer in pornography.
Not all performers are in porn by choice—some are forced, tricked, or coerced into performing in explicit videos that are shared online.
If you ever wonder why porn performers never publicly speak out about abuse or violence they experience while still in the industry, read on.
No one deserves to be raped or abused, ever, even if they consensually chose to be in porn and were subsequently exploited.
According to a lawsuit, OnlyFans associates allegedly bribed Meta employees to put thousands of porn performers working on competitor sites on a “terrorist watchlist.”
“This was the lie I had been told: that in porn, for the first time in my life, I would have control over what I would or wouldn’t be asked to do sexually. I would have a say in what would happen with my body.”
“I was a fully-fledged addict. I needed drugs to get me through porn scenes. I needed drugs to numb my pain. I needed drugs to make me feel ‘happy.'”