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The ‘Porn Kills Love’ Street Team — Changing the Conversation

Our generation is ready for a new kind of love—a love that isn't tainted by porn-influenced, warped perceptions of intimacy and selfish desires.

There is an invisible war going on. It’s happening in our homes, on our streets, and on the very devices we’re all glued to 24-7.
We live in a world where sexual exploitation and pornography are accepted as harmless, natural, and even normal. It’s a war of lies, and countless people have bought into it, not having any clue of the harms that can happen. It’s up to us to fight with facts, combat lies with truth, and remember that real love is worth it.
Our generation is ready for a new kind of love—a love that is untainted by warped perceptions of intimacy and selfish desires. Millions are now recognizing pornography for what it is and rejecting its teachings and influence in their lives. For ourselves, for those we love, and for future generations, we must take a stand and change the conversation around this issue using science, facts, and personal accounts. Join the #PornKillsLove movement and become a Fighter!