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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #11
I just want to say that you are doing amazing work on this here site, and I am so happy and proud to be part of a community that shares my values. I first viewed porn when I was 11, and it has been a struggle ever since. Your site, along with a lotof other things, has been instrumental in helping me break my habitual use and have little to no porn use on a daily basis. Your approach of using science is so refreshing and appealing. I am super passionate about sex trafficking and sexual abuse awareness, and your campaigns have only fueled that in my life. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Your work has helped change my life for the better and get me free of my addictions.
Impact Journal #57
I just wanted to thank you guys for all you do! Both my husband and I grew up in very religious families, and talking about porn was always a taboo conversation filled with a lot of shame. My husband has struggled with porn since junior high, and since we’ve been married, I’ve never known how to talk to him about it and see how he’s doing. But because of your page and all the amazing work you do, it’s slowly given me the courage to have an open dialogue with my husband about it. It’s made our relationship so much better because we can actually communicate! He feels safe being able to come to me when he feels those urges, and I am so much more understanding of the struggle that he’s constantly facing. So thank you, thank you, thank you! The awareness that you are sharing is invaluable.
Impact Journal #53
I’ve been following you guys for more than a year. A week ago, I confessed to someone that I struggle with porn. Once those words left my mouth, I felt this huge relief off my chest. I’ve been struggling with porn since I was 10 years old and now I am 24 years old. I hid my addiction in the dark, but now it’s in the light. I just want to thank you guys for this page. It’s been so helpful, and now I can walk on this path to freedom! My chains have been broken!
Impact Journal #140
This has me bursting into tears. My husband admitted to me he was addicted to pornography 3 years ago. I had no idea he was even watching at all. Our marriage is growing stronger and stronger every day and he (we) loves FTND! I’m so grateful for your organization. More than words.
Impact Journal #314
I don't know if you guys read this but my sexual assault story is exactly like a story you shared. I wanted to say thank you for sharing this because not only does it help to raise awareness but it also helps to make people who have been assaulted feel less alone, and know other people have felt exactly how they have.
Impact Journal #619
365 days! Consider Before Consuming was a vital part of the initial “white knuckle.” Thank you for making this journey & anniversary possible.
Impact Journal #346
I thought I was alone in my feelings about pornography until I found your page and realized there are like-minded people out there and it has made me feel somewhat better. I feel like society has normalized porn viewing to be acceptable thing in a monogamous relationship. I really support what you’re doing and I bought your “Stop the Demand” tee shirt and I can’t wait to get it.
Impact Journal #121
I’ve struggled with porn addiction since age 12. I’m finally choosing to let my shame go. Porn is very prevalent in Icelandic society, but its negative effects are rarely, if ever, discussed. People view it as perfectly normal. Therapists never mention it as an issue, and I’ve never heard an Icelandic person admit they have a problem with porn, so I felt like I was the only one. Hearing personal accounts from FTND and studying the research has been so refreshing, knowing that I am not alone. In high school, I gave a speech explaining porn stats I got from your website. The teacher told me afterwards she’d learned a lot and wished everyone in school could hear that message. I think people here would agree, but they just don’t know. So I wanted to thank you, especially for your podcast which has been a way for me to be surrounded by light and strength. You reach far outside the US, and have at least one supporter in Iceland. Much love.
Impact Journal #159
Love your work. I wish I had been told at a young age about the harms of pornography.
Impact Journal #39
I stopped watching porn over a week ago because of reading your available information. I know it’s not much, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Impact Journal #2
I’m a high school counselor, and I see how, in teen culture, sending and receiving nudes has become “normal.” I see the firsthand effects this has on both boys and girls: depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and in some cases, death by suicide. I always direct my clients to your work for help. Thank you for shedding light on this pivotal issue our teens and children are facing.
Impact Journal #539
Well-done videos that I can watch with my children and open up the conversation.
Impact Journal #528
Wow! I’m sharing this docuseries with everyone I know. My life has been so impacted by those who have been addicted. This was eye-opening!
Impact Journal #431
This documentary was inspiring. It makes me feel not alone, and it makes me want to try again.
Impact Journal #486
This documentary is very helpful for those who struggle with porn addiction. A lot of true examples and it gives hope to recover. Thank you very much.