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Parents, This Is How You Can Spot and Protect Your Child From Online Predators

Modern-day life with the internet has many benefits from convenience to connections. But like any tool, it can be used by people who choose to harm others, which leads parents to wonder how to protect their child from online predators.



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Modern-day life with the internet has many benefits, from convenience to connections. But like any tool, it can be used by people who choose to harm others, which leads parents to wonder how to protect their children from online predators.

Online predators search for teenagers whom they think they can manipulate and sexually exploit. Often, they create a false identity or pretend to be a teenager to reach their potential victims.

Some of these adults are sex traffickers who use social media to find potential victims and lure them into being forced to sell sex. Others practice “sextortion,” coercing or pressuring a young person to send sexually explicit images and videos of themselves. Others are just abusive individuals who seek young people to manipulate or exploit for their pleasure.

Sexual abuse occurs in different scenarios. It could happen when your teen meets an online “friend” in person for the first time, or it could happen exclusively online when they sit next to you on the couch.

Related: What’s Going On With Utah’s Porn Age Verification Law

Despite it all, teens can have fun online, spending time with friends and making new friends. The key is to be aware of what they’re into, equipped with tips to protect your child, and prepared to deal with an abusive situation if it arises.

Red flags

Online sexual abuse seems to be increasing each year. According to the NSPCC, 1 in 25 teens between 11-17 years old have sent, received, or been asked to send sexual content to an adult. That’s nearly 200,000 young people in the UK.

Predators can make contact almost anywhere online: video game platforms, comments on YouTube, Reddit threads, social media, messaging apps, and more. It’s not practical to avoid the internet because something terrible could happen. Instead, help your teen be aware of potential red flags in messages, comments, or requests they receive.

Remember that being cautious of strangers doesn’t completely solve the problem. According to a 2017 survey by Thorn, teens were nearly equally likely to have met the person threatening them (sextortion) through a new online connection as an existing offline relationship.

Related: In Order to Fight Child Sex Abuse, We Need to Stop Fetishizing It

Online sexual exploitation usually happens through grooming, which is a process perpetrators use to build a trusting relationship with a victim before attempting sexual abuse.

We spoke with Chief Marketing Officer Titania Jordan at Bark, a monitoring tool that sifts through messages and social media accounts on your child’s devices to alert you if there’s something unsafe to understand the red flags teens should watch out for.


Perpetrators use flattery to make a young person feel important. It can break down defense barriers and build trust. Examples could be anything from “Have you ever been a model?” to “Wow, you have such pretty feet.”

Related: What’s the Average Age of a Child’s First Exposure to Porn?

Let your teen know that repeated and excessive flattery from one person is something to be aware of. If it makes them uncomfortable, empower them to speak with you and block the user. Instill the idea that they don’t have to continue the conversation just because someone compliments them.


Offers to send coins in a video game, cash, electronic devices, or any other kind of gift are clear red flags.

“There’s no need for that,” Jordan said. “That is not typical teen or tween behavior. That comes from an adult with other reasons to be doing so.”

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Modeling job offer

Talk to your teen about scam job offers. If someone tells your child they are beautiful, followed by an offer to make quick and easy cash, their red flag should go up. Traffickers use modeling job offers to lure teenage girls into being forced to sell sex.

We stand by the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.”

Related: The Dream Job This Makeup Artist was Offered was Really a Sex Trafficking Scheme

Asking for personal information

A survey of 10 to 17-year-olds revealed that 46% had shared their personal information with someone they didn’t know. The likelihood that they would give out personal details online increased with age.

Questions like: “Where do you live,” “What school do you go to,” “Are your parents home,” and “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend,” are examples of information online friends don’t need to know.


Perpetrators control their victims by isolating them from people in their real lives. This doesn’t necessarily mean physical isolation but could be emotional. A predator may tell your child to only talk to them about what they are thinking and feeling. They will say they share a special bond with your child and understand more than parents.

Chances are your teen has felt at least once that you, as a parent, don’t understand what they are going through; that’s why this line works. Be genuine in letting your teens know they can talk to you about anything and that you are willing to listen and understand them better.

Secret conversations

Predators rely on their victims to keep their relationship or abuse a secret. Titania Jordan said it’s helpful to teach teens to consider if they’d be okay with sharing an online interaction with you, and if not, why?

“Is it because it’s inappropriate? Is it dangerous? Let’s think about why.”

Sending sexually explicit material

Some predators will ask sexually explicit questions as a way to desensitize their victims. They may send a pornographic image to your child and ask them if they know what it is.

Related: How Sex Traffickers Use Social Media to Find, Groom, and Control Victims

This is sexual abuse. Your teen may want to delete messages so they don’t get punished, but these messages are evidence of a potential crime. Help your child understand that if they are ever sent explicit material, it is not their fault and that they should speak with you before deleting it.

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Requests for sexual photos

With the increased popularity of sexting, chances are high that your teen will be asked to send a nude pic at some point. There’s a difference between teen sexting and an adult posing as a teen asking for photos they will sell, trade, or post online. In this article, we are talking about the latter, but it’s advisable to set some boundaries for your teen so they can navigate any naked picture request.

According to Titania Jordan, the safest way to play the situation is to send a photo that, if it were to be shared beyond the person it was intended for, would not embarrass the sender or cause them harm.


According to a 2017 Thorn report, threats can begin early in cases involving online offenders, with 60% of victims saying they started receiving threats within two weeks. Nearly half stated that they faced daily threats. Perpetrators may threaten to post online or forward a nude photo your teen previously sent to them unless they send more pictures or videos.

For many teens, this is a terrifying escalation of a relationship they thought was friendly or romantic. If you discover such threats are being made to your teen, act immediately to remove the predator from their life.

What to do if something happens?

The most important thing you can do as a parent is let your teen know they can talk to you about anything. If your child does disclose sexual abuse, be empathetic and understand that it’s a difficult subject to discuss.

Stay calm

You may feel angry or upset that someone did this to your child, but your adverse reaction can make it even more difficult for your teen to talk about. Reassure them that it is not their fault, even if they have initiated the conversation with the adult.

As a minor, your teenager cannot legally consent to a relationship with an adult, so they are not at fault for where the conversation goes.

Avoid punishment and blame

Teens may also be concerned about speaking up for fear of retaliation. Believing them instead of blaming them can go a long way.

Related: What Porn and Shame Have to Do With Child-on-Child Sexual Assault

“If your child does come to you with something concerning, your first reaction shouldn’t be to take away their gaming platform or phone,” Titania Jordan said. “Let them know you’re a safe place—they can talk to you about anything that might concern them, and you all will work it out together. You can problem-solve together.”’

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Record and report all evidence

Take screenshots and document usernames and time stamps. Report any abuse to law enforcement first instead of the social media platform. As Titania Jordan explained, law enforcement can address the problem with the social media company. Going directly to the platform to have a user blocked may result in losing that evidence. The activity may also tip off the predator, who will then go dark and resurface under another name and IP address to continue exploiting children.

Protect your child by getting them away from their abuser. If you are unsure who to contact, call the ChildHelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453), or for immediate help, call 911.

Related: How to Report Child Sexual Abuse Material if You or Someone You Know Sees It Online

Seek professional help for your teen

Most teens will say they are “okay” or “fine” after this event. Hopefully, they are, but it’s worth having your teen meet with a trusted medical professional to discuss any feelings or questions they may have.

As we said from the beginning, technology, and online communication have much to offer, but we must watch out.

“It’s not going to happen every day, it’s not going to happen to every kid, but it could happen,” Titania Jordan said. “he same reason why we wear a bicycle helmet when you ride a bike: because you could fall and get hurt. It’s why we lock our doors at night and have a fire alarm and a carbon monoxide detector. We play it safe, just in case.”


Keep your kids safer online

Bark is the internet safety solution that parents trust and children like, if you can believe it. It is an easy-to-use, smart tool that parents can use to help protect their children online.

Bark uses a highly advanced algorithm to alert parents when it detects potential threats or signs of danger, such as:


Internet Predators


Suicidal Thoughts


Bark is a common-sense tool that can augment a parent’s efforts to protect their children online. Parents trust Bark because it uses advanced technologies to alert them to potential online dangers without them reading through all of their child’s online activities, preserving their valuable time (and sanity). Kids like Bark because they can continue their daily digital lives without their parents constantly peering over their shoulders.

You can start protecting your children online today! Try Bark for FREE for 30 days, or get your teen or tween the Bark Phone with Bark’s parental controls built-in! Get started by visiting

Keep your kids safer online

Bark is the internet safety solution that parents trust and children like, if you can believe it. Bark is an easy-to-use, smart tool that parents can use to help protect their children online.

Bark uses a highly advanced algorithm to alert parents when it detects potential threats or signs of danger, such as:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Internet Predators
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Sexting

Bark is a common-sense tool that can augment a parent's efforts to protect their children online. Parents trust Bark because it uses advanced technologies to alert them to potential online dangers without them reading through all of their child's online activities, preserving their valuable time (and sanity). Kids like Bark because they are free to continue their daily digital lives without their parents constantly peering over their shoulders.

You can start protecting your children online today! Try Bark for FREE for 30 days, or get your teen or tween the Bark Phone with Bark's parental controls built-in!

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