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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #216
You are doing a great job!
Impact Journal #276
I saw your “Tips to Quit” article! I told my boyfriend about my struggle and had him put a password in on my phone that only he knows, and then one on my computer. It has, hands down, been the thing that has worked for me. Even if I want access, I can’t have it. The day he did that was the biggest weight off my shoulders. No more worrying about giving in to my addiction. I am very lucky to have a partner who supports me, no questions asked.
Impact Journal #382
Hey there, my husband and I both got our Fighter Club kits, thank you! Also, thank you for the beautiful documentary done in such a respectful manner. The comedic relief was nicely placed. I especially appreciated the third installment. Before watching the documentary, I had no respect for women in the industry because of what porn has done to my marriage. But after watching that, I realize they’re just as much a victim as we are. Thank you for helping me find compassion.
Impact Journal #54
I just wanted to thank you for what you do as an organization. It is remarkable and so necessary. Three years ago, I was addicted to pornography. Like, “watching it three times a day” addicted. The results left me numb. Hopeless. And in a lot of ways, it left me lifeless. I’m glad to say that I’m almost two years removed from pornography and married to the girl of my dreams. And I’m able to help my friends do the same. In part, it’s because of what you guys do. You, among other forms of accountability, helped change my perspective and really fight this toxic influence that was in my life. So thank you for that.
Impact Journal #432
We loved Brain, Heart, World! It was funny as well as extremely informative. So glad I could show that to my kids. Thanks!
Impact Journal #76
Thanks for helping people make the decision about what to consume based on the facts and not just opinions!
Impact Journal #310
Y’all do such great work which has allowed me to see porn and those who use it in a healthier way. I used to be so judgemental against those who use it; now I have empathy for them and understand there is so much more to it, addictions, etc. Your site has aided me in staying in a marriage of 30 years where I recently discovered secret porn use that my spouse was engaged in for years. Without your expert articles and deep understanding on both sides of porn, I’m not sure if I would have made it through this sad discovery and stayed in the marriage. Thanks for causing a good ripple in the world! Keep it going!
Impact Journal #334
Hey guys, I really love everything you do, and y’all are partly the reason I’ve quit porn entirely. Thanks, you're doing great work!
Impact Journal #483
I almost cried. It was really emotional, and I can definitely relate. I’m 26 years of age, and I have been porn-free for 5 days now. I’m super happy and my energy is less drained. Porn creates erectile dysfunction and objectifies women and I don’t want to be a part of it.
Impact Journal #321
Hey! Literally no one knows but me, and now you, that it was ever an issue, but today is my first anniversary of being clean from porn and I really wanted to tell someone! This is the longest I’ve gone in 20 years! And also, I wanted to thank you. It has been really helpful to see y’alls posts daily and be reminded that I don’t actually want it. It’s 3:40 am as I’m writing this and I’m just so happy because I never thought I’d make it this long. THANK YOU!
Impact Journal #157
In the past, I have profited a lot from your materials for the preparation of my own porn awareness presentations. Thanks!
Impact Journal #727
It's been 12 months since I watched one of your videos. I was a habitual porn consumer and I had an emerging addiction. I watched your video and decided no more! This month marks 12 months since I gave up porn. I've never felt better about myself.
Impact Journal #521
You have truly opened my eyes to the harm pornography does not only to people like me but to everyone around me. The story from the victims really affected me.
Impact Journal #24
Dear FTND, I just wanted to say thank you. I am a normal tenth-grade girl who was told my whole life that porn was “gross and dirty.” I wanted to understand outside of my own context why it was “bad.” Your website has provided me with the information I needed to justify why I took my stand against pornography. In English class, I was able to speak for 6 minutes about something; I chose the dangers of porn. It wasn’t easy, but my heart breaks for this generation of boys and girls who don’t understand why they can’t seem to have functional relationships. I wanted to do something about it. I have had multiple conversations after my speech, and hope that at least one person began to think about the potential consequences of porn. This hasn’t been easy to talk about it, but having the right information definitely made it easier. Thank you.