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I Tried Giving Up Porn For One Month, Here’s How it Went

"A few weeks ago, when I realized porn was literally controlling my life and it had more power of me than I had of it, I decided to try a 30-day challenge."

By October 14, 2021No Comments
3-minute read.

Many people contact Fight the New Drug to share their personal stories about how porn has affected their life or the life of a loved one. We consider these personal accounts very valuable because, while the science and research is powerful within its own right, personal accounts from real people seem to really hit home about the damage that pornography does to real lives.

We received a story that shows what can change when someone gives up porn, even if it starts out as a short amount of time. Here's a challenge for anyone reading this: could you go one month or more without porn?


I just wanted to tell you my story real quick. I’ll cut to the chase: a rapidly expanding porn habit has obliterated my last two years of school, as well as harmed my emotional connections with others. I told a couple of people a while back, but didn’t take a lot of personal action on it, I’ll be honest.

A few weeks ago, when I realized porn was literally controlling my life and it had more power over me than I had of it, I decided to try a 30-day challenge, just to see if I could go one month making decisions for myself and ditching it. I also thought it would line up nicely with the #NoPornovember campaign, so I went for it. Here’s how it went.

Related: How Quitting Porn Brought Love Back Into My Relationship

The first 10 days were real rough, but then it got easier—the freedom felt amazing. Your #NoPornovember Facebook articles were a real encouragement throughout! Around day 16ish I started to wonder, though, what I would do at the end of the 30 days? So I ordered the Fortify book as a preemptive, more long-term move. That was a good choice.

Day 25 came, I encountered a couple of major emotional triggers in a short time span, and my longest streak came to an end. For a while, it was great to finally end the burning agony that was my brain for the past 25 days, but after that wore off, I realized that I had dropped the ball so close to my goal!

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The next day the Fortify book came in the mail. I immediately opened it, skimmed the table of contents, and was relieved to find the “What to Do After a Setback” section. I went straight to it, and it was like a drink of sweet water, how it described exactly what I was feeling and thinking—the weird depression feelings and the mixed thoughts—and how it offered clear help as to what I should think about to pick myself back up and keep moving forward.

It calmed my panic, quelled my waves of confusion, and pointed me in a constructive, honest, and positive direction. EXACTLY what I needed. I’m so thankful for that perfect timing!

Related: Tips To Quit: Why Setbacks Don’t Mean Failures

Growing up I wasn’t given any information about porn or strategies to defend against it, and then when I found myself fighting head-on with it, I had trouble finding people I could talk to or finding resources. So, I was thankful for when I first discovered your organization, but I am even more thankful now!

I look forward to starting from the beginning of the book and arming myself with tools to test in battle and hone for the war ahead of me. (I am looking into the online Fortify platform, too.) Thank you so, so much.

In strength and love, a Fighter who finally feels supported.



Your turn

Have you thought about ditching porn, but haven’t really made the decision to try? Now’s your chance!

Do it, today, and take the #NoPornovember challenge. See if you can challenge yourself or someone you know to go one month without watching porn, and watch what happens. If you make it all 30 days, try to make it another month, and another. See if you can even go a year without porn, if a month sounds easy!

Related: How Taking The #NoPornovember Challenge Can Improve Your Life And Relationships

You might be surprised at the ways it’ll free up time, change your perspective on sex, and make you feel freer.

Go on, you’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Try it out today.

Need help?

For those reading this who feel they are struggling with pornography, you are not alone. Check out Fortify, a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping you find lasting freedom from pornography. Fortify now offers a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your unwanted porn habit, and track your recovery journey. There is hope—sign up today.


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