Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!
I’m just here to say thank you for educating people on what they’re consuming. If I hadn’t known about what really goes on in the pornography industry, I wouldn’t be free from it today. We always think it only has an affect on us, but watching porn sets off a whole chain reaction. I’ve been free for probably almost a year—I actually forgot when last I’ve consumed pornography! The. Best. Thing. I. Did. For. Myself. And. The. Whole. World!
WOW! This is an incredibly powerful film series. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid and it messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop looking at porn and I sometimes still want to. This film series is so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.
Thank you for opening my eyes to this world and providing tools and resources to get educated and change my life.
This documentary is absolutely wonderful and I feel inspired and hopeful after watching it.
The work you do is vital, FTND. Never, never, never stop speaking. Post until everyone on the internet has seen a post. You're doing a great job. You are important. You are needed. You are appreciated!
Many individuals sweep sexual struggles under the rug in modern culture. The general population either justifies or shames these twisted versions of natural desire. FTND has done a good job of finding the middle ground, which lies in informing an individual of the damaging effects of pornography. Cheers to FTND for spreading the facts about pornography, and sharing hope for healing.
Amazing! I can’t wait to sit and watch Brain, Heart, World with my boyfriend. We’ve both been struggling with our own addictions to porn and this was so packed with information that sought only to help, not to judge. Thank you!
I’ve waited a long time for something like this to be on the market. I love seeing something so important be broken out and talked about over social media and other mediums. I’m so excited for all future episodes! Very raw with the perfect balance of teaching! Thank you!
Needed this so much. Thank you for the motivation to start with the fight.
I think the documentary was honest and objective, and it gave a foundation upon which a person struggling with porn addiction can build. Thank you.
Thank you for posting your articles! They feel so close to home and I also really needed to hear another Fighter couple’s journey!
I absolutely love your organization’s message and your merch. Don’t stop! You’re making a huge difference in the world!!
Your articles and documentary have helped me so much with my fight. I’m very fortunate to have you guys work so hard every day to help me. So, thanks for everything you’ve done for me and for people around the world.
Your cause is working! I’ve been following FTND since 2018 when my then-boyfriend, now husband, broke my heart for the second time with his addiction. I didn’t know until the second time that it was an addiction, and I encouraged him to get therapy. But I was just scrolling today and I saw this one post, and I read some comments, and people are actually aware of porn’s harms! I’m just so happy that awareness is spreading.
I wish we had this knowledge 30 years ago. My instincts were spot on but I had no evidence to back me up. The evolution of global connectivity turned this industry into a virus. This three-part series is so well done. Kudos! It’s modern, relevant, vulnerable, silly, and lighthearted where appropriate. The last part made me cry. Your research and approach have made it non-threatening to all. I know the hard work put into this on the cinematography and filming alone. I am unraveling my world and healing as we speak. Your website is very profound. Thank you.