Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!
This issue has left me feeling sad, helpless, angry, misunderstood, and lonely for so many years. Your team did amazing work by creating research-based content that makes it possible to have an actual constructive discussion about it. Reading through your website reminded me that we are not alone in this fight for change. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put in there. It really made a difference for me!
I just wanted to tell you thanks! You guys were my inspiration for a speech I had to give in my public speaking class! I was super passionate about the harmful effects of porn, and it was cool to see the faces change from when I first introduced my topic to my very last sentence. Keep doing great work!
In the midst of all that’s happening in the world, I had forgotten that this year is a big milestone for me: I was addicted to porn for 13 years growing up, and I have been free from that addiction for 13 years in March. Big thanks to Fight the New Drug for not backing off from the fight!
Thank you so much, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to see people talking about and doing something about this issue. I used to think I’d live in a world where I was the crazy one for not being okay with porn, and past boyfriends always wanted me to believe that every single guy was that way and I’d just have to get used to it. I saw how much it damaged my relationships, my self-esteem, and the men themselves, and it’s just so great to find your page. Thank you.
Hey, guys! Four days ago, I reached my 1-year mark in recovery. I can honestly say that abstaining from porn has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I have my life back! And while I can say my life isn’t perfect, this recovery period has given me the tools I need to embrace every challenge that comes my way! I no longer need to resort to porn to numb my feelings and escape my problems, I found the strength within me to fight and keep moving forward no matter what, and it’s so worth it! I think clearer, I sleep better, my relationships are amazing, and I no longer look at women as objects and can actually look them in the eyes without feeling guilty and wondering what they would say.
Fighting this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m proud to be a Fighter!
One of my best friends is a recovering porn addict. Thanks for providing help for him and helping me know how to support him. He’s doing great.
Since quitting porn, I’ve felt better about myself and my body and have been less judgmental of other people and their bodies. I still have a long way to go and a lot of damage to my self-image to undo, but I’ve made leaps and bounds of progress. I also have a loving boyfriend who has seen the harms of this stuff and quit, too. Since doing so, we have both made incredible improvements in our sex life; we feel more passion, more love, more intimacy, more everything. My sex life has never been more satisfying and comfortable. I cannot begin to explain the vast improvements in our relationship, our intimacy, and our overall lives.
So to anyone who is in the process of quitting, or thinking about quitting, don’t give up! It is one of the most worthwhile things you’ll ever do for yourself, and the struggle is challenging but worth it. Keep going!
Hello, I really love both your page and YouTube videos. Your factual information has motivated me to shake off my porn and sex addiction. I haven’t watched Pornhub or paid OnlyFans subscriptions for a month now.
Thank you for posting your articles! They feel so close to home and I also really needed to hear another Fighter couple’s journey!
Thanks so much for helping bring awareness to such sensitive topics! It needs to be talked about more! It’s scary to put your story out there for people to criticize, but this topic needs to be talked about. Thank you for making the process seamless! I’ll share and help bring awareness. I love the work of FTND! So happy to be a part of it.
I’ve been following you guys for more than a year. A week ago, I confessed to someone that I struggle with porn. Once those words left my mouth, I felt this huge relief off my chest. I’ve been struggling with porn since I was 10 years old and now I am 24 years old. I hid my addiction in the dark, but now it’s in the light. I just want to thank you guys for this page. It’s been so helpful, and now I can walk on this path to freedom! My chains have been broken!
Your hard work is paying off. I love you and thank you. People are waking up to the harmful effects of this industry!
Thanks for helping people make the decision about what to consume based on the facts and not just opinions!
I don't know if you guys read this but my sexual assault story is exactly like a story you shared. I wanted to say thank you for sharing this because not only does it help to raise awareness but it also helps to make people who have been assaulted feel less alone, and know other people have felt exactly how they have.
Informative and uplifting. I came here after watching a porn video, and I felt down and overwhelmed. This documentary gave me hope.