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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #342
Our schools and community members gave us really great feedback after attending the presentation and are following on social media to continue to get the information that will benefit them.
Impact Journal #503
Very informative about the link between pornography, human trafficking, violence, and objectifying others. Good explanation of how porn impacts relationships negatively, especially when illustrated by real-life examples.
Impact Journal #416
I’ve watched this documentary twice, once on my own and then with my fiancé, as he would always dismiss my views and alienate me for not accepting his use of porn. After he watched the first part, he asked me if there was more to watch, and he watched the rest saying that it was a real eye-opener and that when our children are old enough, we will watch the documentary with them.
Impact Journal #399
Very good docuseries for young teenagers. I have looked for a long time to find something appropriate to talk through porn with my son, but most content was directed at parents. This was perfect: engaging, and truthful without being overbearing and condescending. Thank you!
Impact Journal #19
I used to lead a group of freshman boys in my community. We went to a summer camp, and one night, we sat around and just talked about their biggest secrets and what they were holding back. Almost every guy (out of about 30) admitted to watching porn. Because of what you guys provide and teach, I have been able to help them get clean. Almost a year later, almost all of them are clean. Their lives are changed. They are living healthy lives and are prepared to have healthy relationships. Without you, this journey may not have been possible. Thank you for what you do!
Impact Journal #349
Hey, I wore my PKL tee to Huntington Beach. I took photos and when I posted them to Instagram I got messages from people who know me saying what I did was really brave and that they wanted a shirt too! It made me really happy to be able to spread the goal of this movement! I finally felt like a Fighter!
Impact Journal #230
Hi guys, I hope you're doing great! I just wanted to thank you so much for what you do. You have a very special and specific mission to which you've been really dedicated. I know this has already benefited lots of people in the world. You guys motivated me to start a podcast in Spanish to help people end their addiction to pornography. Thank you so much for all the inspo!
Impact Journal #498
The best resource I have found for teaching youth about the impacts of porn. The human approach versus a religious one makes the message more relatable to all audiences.
Impact Journal #571
There are so many horrible crimes associated with porn that people often don’t realize: sex trafficking, sexual violence, rape, etc. This culture is so intent on immediate gratification that we don’t see what trauma is going on behind the screen. Let’s choose real love and fight to help others break free from porn addiction. This podcast and the incredible message this organization spreads are so vital in our world today. Thank you for pioneering this movement. I’m honored to be a part of it.
Impact Journal #378
What a fantastic docuseries. Brain, Heart, World brought a smile to my face when I reached the end. I’m glad I stuck around to watch it from beginning to end. All of what was stated, I went through personally, and it began to put a strong halt in my life. This stuff creates a lot of problems in my life, just like other addictions would. I’m so glad I’m taking steps to take it out and rewire my brain for the better.
Impact Journal #324
Hi! I love your organization and the research it brings to light. I wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work!
Impact Journal #646
You guys are the best! I put my Fighter Club stickers on all of my electronics and I’m entering my longest porn-free period in 9 years! The podcast and social media posts help me stay motivated and my monthly donation reminds me that I’m literally invested in winning!
Impact Journal #455
What a great way to raise awareness on this topic, which is needed now more than ever. Love what you guys are doing to combat the lies of pornography.
Impact Journal #45
What you’re doing is so essential to help people engage in healthy, lasting relationships. My marriage was deeply affected by porn. Everything you say is true, I witnessed it firsthand. Once the ‘secret’ was out we were finally able to address all the problems porn caused and it has been a years-long process. As a wife, it’s utterly gut-wrenching to find out your partner was betraying your trust and destroying intimacy in your marriage by using porn. My husband became withdrawn, uninterested in me, irritable, and his behavior completely changed. He was doing a multitude of other things that were destructive to himself and our relationship. Deception became normal, and more extreme behaviors became OK. Our marriage was robbed of true love and intimacy by porn. My husband has so much more awareness now. He’s at a local Fight the New Drug presentation with our sons right now! Thanks for everything you’re doing!
Impact Journal #241
I just want to thank you for continuing to educate and bring awareness to the effects of pornography. In a message I sent you several years ago, I thought my husband had been without porn for many years only to find out later that he had not stopped his porn use, just kept it quiet. I feel that I would have left this marriage or be in the process had it not been for the amazing articles you continue to post about how porn affects the mind, etc. Your efforts to fight this drug are paying off and you have saved my marriage and I’m sure many others because of it. My husband may still be in the throes of his addiction but he is fighting. I will be here by his side as he fights, wielding my own sword. True love is worth fighting for. Thanks again.