Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!
Hello, I am grateful for the day I found your page. I have been addicted to pornography for years, and it's been a struggle. Most times, I felt helpless. I came across your page and everything was useful and informative, but I kept on indulging in my old habit. It was really a struggle but I didn't give up! For the first time in more than 10 years, I have gone three months without porn. I'm approaching my fourth month. It might be such a short time but I never believed I could not watch for this long. I have found myself. I do not intend to go back there again. The thought of porn is not even appealing to me right now. Thank you so much for all you do.
Thank you for posting your articles! They feel so close to home and I also really needed to hear another Fighter couple’s journey!
This is so inspiring. Pornography is something I have struggled with for years, and I'm just so grateful that more and more awareness is being raised on the harmful effects of it. Even people who don't have this problem should watch these videos and become more educated.
I have been binging your podcast recently. In fact, I listened to almost all of the episodes just this week, and in one of them, I heard it mentioned that FTND aims to be a global movement. This immediately hit me because I feel like I can be a voice in my community if I speak up.
WOW! That’s an incredibly powerful docuseries. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid, and messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop watching porn, and I’m still tempted. This film was so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.
My generation and I were not given a fair chance to grow up naturally and unscathed due to the porn industry–we need to protect the eyes of the next generations. Keep fighting the good fight, people!
This documentary was inspiring. It makes me feel not alone, and it makes me want to try again.
I want to thank you for giving me the resources and courage to speak to my two sons (aged 13 and 15) about the harmful effects of pornography and exploitation. We had a great conversation that went way beyond my wildest expectations. Thank you again for the amazing work you do to highlight and support parents.
I was doing some research about breaking the addiction and I stumbled on your videos on YouTube, and they were really helpful and inspiring. Thank you, Fight the New Drug!
Keep posting. Keep the podcast. Keep reminding me of what I need to avoid. The more I see you in my feed, the better. I'm so grateful for the work you and others do to save.
It was informative, relatable, engaging, funny, and just very real. It wasn't sugar-coated but it was explained with lots of examples, personal stories, and heart. I work at a drop-in center for youth and this is something that I think would be totally appropriate, fun, and helpful to watch with them.
I LOVE the Consider Before Consuming podcasts. I used to struggle with pornography, and it ruined my relationships and my life. Fight the New Drug and this podcast are awesome because they don’t shame BUT they’re informative about the harms of pornography and what it can do to you.
I gotta say . . . I love what you’re promoting. Please keep it up and bring more awareness! There are so many downsides to pornography and people are hurting because of it!
Brain, Heart, World was amazing and candid. I loved that there was female representation, seeing as female addiction to porn is rarely talked about.
I wanted to take a moment and thank your organization. I’ve been addicted on and off since I was a teenager. I stopped for nearly two years when I first met my wife, and about two years ago, I fell back on it in a big way. I confessed my struggle to my wife, and although she was obviously upset, her support was still there. I’d go a week or two, then give in. Now, I’m on my current longest streak in a couple of years of two months, and it feels amazing. My marriage is stronger and our sex life is great again. It’s organizations like yours that keep love alive and talk about the uncomfortable/unpopular side of the porn industry that need to be discussed! Keep up the good work, and thank you again.