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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #535
I found this documentary series really helpful and informative. I want to know more—I now feel I am not alone in a struggle with porn, which has been a part of my life for so long. Thank you.
Impact Journal #396
It’s information that I’ve seen many times before, but the way it is presented here is much more human. I like the hopeful message of Brain, Heart World, and I am extremely glad that you are helping propagate this information. People really need to hear it. I need to hear it. I am trying to free myself, and it is so easy to lie to myself to justify it. Knowledge is the power people need to overcome this. Thank you for providing that knowledge.
Impact Journal #41
When I am most lost and seemingly have no purpose, I desire porn so much more. These campaigns have given my darkness a purpose and a chance to redeem all those years I wasted stuck in porn addiction. #stopthedemand‬
Impact Journal #437
Thank you so much for the resource of your documentary! I have been trying to learn about the effects of pornography but so much of the content out there is very scattered and not cited. I appreciate your work and want to support this movement!
Impact Journal #389
I owe you guys. You really inspired me to continue my porn-free streak. This has really changed the way I think about women. I have started respecting beauty and the power of love. I feel human again!
Impact Journal #113
I haven’t watched porn since I heard about your campaign 7 months ago.
Impact Journal #412
Love this! Thank you so much for putting out this information in documentary form. An excellent educational tool! I will be using this with my kids for years to come! Thank you!
Impact Journal #240
3 months into quitting porn and it disgusts me now. I cannot believe how warped my mind was—the only way I could feel satisfied during sex was being violent. Thank you for fighting the good fight. I have so much more motivation to achieve more in my life, so much more energy, and I'm much more calm and confident.
Impact Journal #416
I’ve watched this documentary twice, once on my own and then with my fiancé, as he would always dismiss my views and alienate me for not accepting his use of porn. After he watched the first part, he asked me if there was more to watch, and he watched the rest saying that it was a real eye-opener and that when our children are old enough, we will watch the documentary with them.
Impact Journal #76
Thanks for helping people make the decision about what to consume based on the facts and not just opinions!
Impact Journal #58
Thank you. Thank you for being a voice for this issue. Thank you for calling it what it is: a real issue. Thank you for not making light of it, like it’s a joke, like they do in the movies or on TV. Thank you for telling the truth, for being vulnerable, and for having the courage to say this is a problem. Just THANK YOU!
Impact Journal #11
I just want to say that you are doing amazing work on this here site, and I am so happy and proud to be part of a community that shares my values. I first viewed porn when I was 11, and it has been a struggle ever since. Your site, along with a lotof other things, has been instrumental in helping me break my habitual use and have little to no porn use on a daily basis. Your approach of using science is so refreshing and appealing. I am super passionate about sex trafficking and sexual abuse awareness, and your campaigns have only fueled that in my life. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Your work has helped change my life for the better and get me free of my addictions.
Impact Journal #49
I really and truly respect and admire your organization and it makes me so happy that there are people out there fighting and spreading awareness on such a global epidemic that has been so normalized over the years. I have always felt so strongly about being against porn and the negative effects it has on relationships, society, and even the viewers themselves. But I have always felt like an alien seeing it that way instead of being comfortable with it, like many other people out there. I was so thrilled to stumble upon your page.
Impact Journal #217
As someone who has battled porn addiction myself, I’m so appreciative of the amazing work you’re doing.
Impact Journal #626
I’ve been donating to this cause for a year and a half now. My boyfriend of only a month opened up to me and told me that he used to have a pornography addiction but has been clean for over a year. This cause means even more to me now, knowing that someone I love has been affected by it and has been overcoming it. Thank you for all that you do!