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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #404
Amazing! I can’t wait to sit and watch Brain, Heart, World with my boyfriend. We’ve both been struggling with our own addictions to porn and this was so packed with information that sought only to help, not to judge. Thank you!
Impact Journal #715
I wish I could hug you. This video impacted me more than you can imagine. Thank you, FTND. You inspire me daily to use my voice and I'm getting closer to being ready to do that.
Impact Journal #171
I'm so grateful to you and the work that you do! Before discovering your organization, resisting porn felt like a battle alone in the wilderness. Keep on fighting! Here's to 14 years, and 14 more, and many more in the future!
Impact Journal #390
It was great to see how other people are struggling, too. And even though I am older, I can still change how I think.
Impact Journal #477
Extremely well-produced! Thanks so much! I feel better now knowing I am not alone.
Impact Journal #170
I just want to say that I absolutely love your content. I am so so happy that you all exist. You are doing critical work that often goes unnoticed. Thank you.
Impact Journal #542
Fantastic documentary episodes! Really, really well made and engaging with all the true stories.
Impact Journal #32
I have now been porn-free for over a year and a half and I feel I have a genuine freedom from this addiction. I no longer feel like I'm a victim of a porn addiction and your program and being accountable to some other guys in my community were exactly what I needed to fight and overcome porn addiction.
Impact Journal #384
This was truly life-changing for me. This completely altered my thought process and I will never view porn the same way again!
Impact Journal #570
“Consider Before Consuming” has changed the way I think. It’s truly a weapon worth carrying into our daily battles. A must-listen-to podcast.
Impact Journal #293
I have self-esteem and trust issues. I'm still with my partner, and after talking about porn's harm, we're much better. I love him with all my heart, and I now feel he loves himself and me more than ever. I'm so happy I was finally able to communicate and feel free to talk about this.
Impact Journal #501
Absolutely amazing series. Has opened my eyes. I’m a teacher and thinking about how I can use this series to help many of my students who struggle with porn addictions. Thank you for such uplifting but thoughtful content. It is making a difference.
Impact Journal #87
I just want to thank you for the dedicated work you are putting in daily. My exposure to porn started before I was a teenager and while I spent much of my high school and college years being open about the struggle and “wanting” to quit, my addiction to it grew inside of my marriage. Instead of dealing with feelings of resentment with my wife, I fled to fantasy in porn and eventually adultery. While I willingly accept total responsibility for my sexual brokenness and all its consequences, it took getting caught five years ago to bring about the seeds of recovery that have really taken deep root. I discovered you on Instagram less than a year ago and have told my recovery group, my new wife, my friends, and anyone who will listen about the quality work you are doing. If only I had known about you eight years ago, even though I was not willing to give up my behavior. Now, more than ever, your facts, research, and movement have done nothing but fill me with hope and gratitude.