Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!
FTND is so amazing and helpful. Thank you for all you do, especially in educating people. You don’t focus on morality, and you are clear about long-lasting harm to all involved, including viewers.
Hey guys, I had a small setback today with watching pornography, but one of your videos encouraged me to get back on track. Thank you for creating awareness on this subject.
Your organization has helped me very much in overcoming my addiction and has helped me understand the science behind porn addiction. Not exaggerating--I am 55 days off pornography right now. Thank you for your support and motivation
Wow, thanks for helping me out. I am not going to watch porn anymore. This will definitely be in my mind the next time I feel tempted. Please grow and help other people.
Me and my fiance have benefited so much from FTND we've experienced the harms of porn and now we are beginning to experience the benefits of beginning to be free of porn!
This is SO needed, thank you guys for being so clear and true to the subject. It’s something that too many people keep as a secret and you guys help us get out of it.
As a long-time porn addict, I appreciate the science behind this video. I am also grateful for the courageous young people who have come forward with their stories. Thank you for the work you are doing.
One of your articles really helped me just now. I realized I spent a lot of time using porn last year because I was sad, hurt, stressed, and alone. Thanks to whomever wrote that article.
Your articles and documentary have helped me so much with my fight. I’m very fortunate to have you guys work so hard every day to help me. So, thanks for everything you’ve done for me and for people around the world.
Really great, informative, and beautifully shot. Oh, and with excellent narration.
Great factual information to understand what happens to the brain when watching porn and how. It’s appropriate for a wide age range and is non-judgmental. The aim seems to be to fix a devastating problem.
I'm so incredibly grateful for your organization; you've helped me get on the path of healing and hope. Porn nearly destroyed my life, now I've been clean for almost two years! I bought a shirt just recently and can't wait to rep FTND as much as I can! I don't think I'll ever be able to pay you back fully, but I intend to try! Thank you x1000000!
Hey, guys! Four days ago, I reached my 1-year mark in recovery. I can honestly say that abstaining from porn has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I have my life back! And while I can say my life isn’t perfect, this recovery period has given me the tools I need to embrace every challenge that comes my way! I no longer need to resort to porn to numb my feelings and escape my problems, I found the strength within me to fight and keep moving forward no matter what, and it’s so worth it! I think clearer, I sleep better, my relationships are amazing, and I no longer look at women as objects and can actually look them in the eyes without feeling guilty and wondering what they would say.
Fighting this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m proud to be a Fighter!
Wow. WOW! I just watched Brain, Heart, World, and I am blown away with gratitude for what you guys are doing. I talk about this organization often and raise awareness as well as I can about you guys and your resources because I am PUMPED about how you are fighting this tragedy that is overtaking the world. I truly think that because of what you beautiful humans are doing, I might get to have a conversation with another person one day who won't even know what porn is; that is my dream. Thank you for going hard for a good, good thing. Incredible job!
FTND was a huge help as I was healing from a breakup with a self-professed porn addict. Your resources helped me to understand what porn was doing to him and to our relationship. My self-esteem suffered greatly while I was with him and after we broke up. But it has since recovered leaps and bounds thanks in large part to FTND. Thanks for doing what you’re doing.