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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #587
I love this page and the content that it shares. I was listening to the “Consider Before Consuming” podcast one day in my room, and it was the one with Terry Crews. Right then, something in my brain clicked, and from then on I’ve never watched porn or even had interest in being friends with people on social media who share graphic things. I was so enlightened. And it just CLICKED! My brain clicked! And from then on, I’ve never seen or watched any porn at all anymore. I really appreciate this page and you guys are so freaking awesome! I love you guys! Y’all are the best! You guys have changed my life and enlightened me, and educated me on how negatively porn affects me. I now don’t think there’s anything positive about porn, and I’ve never looked back. I was set free. I have so much respect and love for you guys. #PornKillsLove
Impact Journal #602
Thank you! I’ve been a long-time supporter of Fight the New Drug and have seen its benefit in my own family. Thank you for influencing and encouraging me!
Impact Journal #185
Hello! I am a big supporter of FTND and just wanted to let you know that I have recovered from a porn addiction that lasted about 8 years. If you ever need someone to share their story, I would love to help. Your organization helped educate me and pushed me to find help and quit porn. Thank you!!
Impact Journal #496
It was informative, relatable, engaging, funny, and just very real. It wasn't sugar-coated but it was explained with lots of examples, personal stories, and heart. I work at a drop-in center for youth and this is something that I think would be totally appropriate, fun, and helpful to watch with them.
Impact Journal #440
This is SO needed, thank you guys for being so clear and true to the subject. It’s something that too many people keep as a secret and you guys help us get out of it.
Impact Journal #172
Thank you so much for everything that you do. Four months ago, my husband confessed to a pornography addiction after I caught him secretly watching porn. I’ve used so many of your resources to educate both of us (especially myself) to help us navigate this very difficult situation. It’s definitely not easy, but this community & others sharing their stories have helped me more than I can put into words.
Impact Journal #562
Very attention-grabbing and informative messages that help bring to light all of the darkness that is in the porn industry. Grateful for a podcast that speaks out against injustices and for love.
Impact Journal #379
Hi, I’m really excited to be part of this community since I watched your documentary. It is something that changed my view of life.
Impact Journal #126
Keep spreading the facts. I hope we’ll all be able to look back at this porn-obsessed era of human history and laugh one day.
Impact Journal #632
Thank you for the valuable information and the amazing work that you guys are doing. I hope to contribute more in the future.
Impact Journal #53
I’ve been following you guys for more than a year. A week ago, I confessed to someone that I struggle with porn. Once those words left my mouth, I felt this huge relief off my chest. I’ve been struggling with porn since I was 10 years old and now I am 24 years old. I hid my addiction in the dark, but now it’s in the light. I just want to thank you guys for this page. It’s been so helpful, and now I can walk on this path to freedom! My chains have been broken!
Impact Journal #47
This movement has been crucial to my 10+ years recovering from porn. Since being introduced as an 8-year-old child, I have found the light on the other side of the tunnel, but recovery is not easy. Thank you for your openness and honesty about what porn does to our brains and lives. I was gifted a Street Team kit for Christmas and I took it to Romania and handed FTND’s resources to students who had never before taken the time to consider the dangers of porn over its momentary pleasure. I wish you could have seen the lightbulb going off in their eyes! It's only right that I can support you guys, so I do.
Impact Journal #4
Hey, guys! Four days ago, I reached my 1-year mark in recovery. I can honestly say that abstaining from porn has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I have my life back! And while I can say my life isn’t perfect, this recovery period has given me the tools I need to embrace every challenge that comes my way! I no longer need to resort to porn to numb my feelings and escape my problems, I found the strength within me to fight and keep moving forward no matter what, and it’s so worth it! I think clearer, I sleep better, my relationships are amazing, and I no longer look at women as objects and can actually look them in the eyes without feeling guilty and wondering what they would say. Fighting this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m proud to be a Fighter!
Impact Journal #280
Porn really messed me up. I used to be focused on my goals as a student, and I connected well with my peers, but all of that went wrong after viewing porn and getting hooked. I've lost my self-esteem, I don't socialize, and I am always so lonely. Every time I go without porn for some time, I regain energy, but I've lost count of how many times I've relapsed. I’m not giving up though, I'll keep up the fight.
Impact Journal #573
When the podcast came out, I rushed to subscribe. It’s so informative, and interesting, and equips me with lots of information and stories, and is very, very good!