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Why I’ve Been Happier Since I Stopped Watching Porn

"I can't tell you all how much happier I am since I've stopped watching porn...I was so unhappy with my life. It's a drug, no doubt about it. "

By October 19, 2021No Comments

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Many people contact Fight the New Drug to share their personal stories about how porn has affected their life or the life of a loved one. We consider these personal accounts very valuable because, while the science and research is powerful within its own right, personal accounts from real people seem to really hit home about the damage that pornography does to real lives.

We recently received a true story from a Fighter named Daniel that shows how porn can never be a substitute for love, and that life is so much better once porn is out of the picture. Some stories, like this one, illustrate just how harmful porn can be, and just how great real-life feels once it's gone.


I can’t tell you all how much happier I am since I’ve stopped watching porn.

I’ve been single a long time and still am, but I’m actually interested in finding something special in a girl instead of just sex. I can’t say enough how much I love what you guys are doing, seeing your page and liking it is what made me quit. I was so unhappy with my life, not being able to find someone.

Just waking up happy every morning is awesome. It’s a drug, no doubt about it. Withdrawals are pretty intense from it, but once you’re through it, you realize how awful the porn industry is. It’s so scary to think about how big the industry is.

I hate how we live in a society that is so accepting of that trash on the internet, everything is so sexual even on TV, in music, etc. Most of my friends don’t agree with my stand on pornography, but I’m still so happy I got out of that life.

Related: It’s True That “Porn Kills Love,” And So Does Shame

I’ve been single a very long time, I found love long ago, but it was taken from me. So I’m just being patient for that right one. Sorry for the vent. Just feels good talking to others who understand the stance on the porn world.

Thank you FTND!! Keep doing what you all are doing, you’ve helped lots of people including myself. I’m sharing you guys to social media and buying your merch. Let me know if I can do anything to help you all out!!!

Thanks again!


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Why This Matters

Research shows that watching porn can negatively impact self-esteem, and can worsen anxiety and depression. It’s awesome to see that Daniel is enjoying life so much more without porn.

Regardless of how long anyone has struggled with porn, recovery is more than possible—it is biological. We don’t think porn is worth your time or your attention because research shows how life is much healthier without it. Thanks to this Fighter, we can see how true that is!

No matter if you’ve struggled for five days or five years (or more), we want to offer more resources, give more support, and fight more dedicatedly for love than we ever have before. We want to provide the resources you need if you are struggling, and by shining a spotlight on using personal experiences and science, show that you are not alone and you can get help.

RelatedWhy You Should Stop Feeling Like A “Bad” Person For Watching Porn

To do that, check out our affiliates at Fortify, an incredible recovery platform specially designed to give users a supportive and helpful community while they break the cycle of going back to porn.

We’ve also designed a thorough and comprehensive platform to help you navigate conversations of all types, no matter the relationship type. Click below to explore now.


Need help?

For those reading this who feel they are struggling with pornography, you are not alone. Check out Fortify, a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping you find lasting freedom from pornography. Fortify now offers a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your unwanted porn habit, and track your recovery journey. There is hope—sign up today.


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