How to Get Unstuck From a Cycle Of Watching Porn, According to a Licensed Therapist (VIDEO) Video
Why do people get stuck in a cycle of watching porn when they don’t want to, and what ultimately motivates them to finally get free?
Why do people get stuck in a cycle of watching porn when they don’t want to, and what ultimately motivates them to finally get free?
Desperate for financial stability, Megan was persuaded into sugar dating, thinking it would solve her problems. The exploitation and trafficking that followed are characteristic of so many women’s experiences. 💔
Not only does porn rarely depict consent, but it often portrays a lack of consent as normal and desirable.
You might be asking yourself if watching porn is bad for you. It’s a reasonable question, and a complicated one. Let’s talk about what research says.
Looking the other way is not the most helpful approach. Get the facts on what to know about your child’s exposure to porn and what you can do about it.
Too often, sexually exploited girls are seen as victims and exploited boys aren’t. However, any youth under the age of 18 involved in the sex trade is considered a trafficking victim.
One in a million? If you’re struggling with porn, that’s probably not how you really feel. But how would you feel if you really believed it?
“I first saw porn in the high school locker room after practice. I was 13. Guys used to bring Bluetooth speakers and play it on their laptops. I had no idea what it would end up doing to me.”
According to a survey of U.S. teens, 84% of 14 to 18-year-old males and 57% of 14 to 18-year-old females have viewed porn. What are they learning?
For people who struggle with porn, they can often feel like their mind is consumed. But by recognizing harmful thoughts, hope and recovery is possible.
Each response shows a different opinion about porn, and brings up good points about why porn doesn’t help relationships be healthy.