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True Story: “Fifty Shades Freed?” More Like Fifty Days Freed from Porn

Cover photo by Eye for Ebony. 2 minute read. Dear FTND, “Fifty Shades Freed?” More like fifty DAYS freed! I wanted to just simply explain a little of...

By February 6, 2018No Comments
Cover photo by Eye for Ebony. 2 minute read.

Dear FTND,

“Fifty Shades Freed?” More like fifty DAYS freed! I wanted to just simply explain a little of my fight and to express my thanks to your organization!

I am ever grateful for this organization in the fight against porn and its normalization in society. I am writing to tell you that, today, I am fifty days free of porn. Every day has been a battle waged between what my mind wants and what I know to be unhealthy and hurtful.

I thought fighting porn was difficult, but the true struggle is fighting my own internal battle. This isn’t a cleanly broken habit. This is the American Revolution: even after I’ve declared my independence, I’m still fighting. Fifty days free, and counting.

Related: “Fifty Shades” Phenomenon: Women Search For More Violent Fantasies Than Ever, But Why?

This is not easy to talk about, which is why it is important to talk about. I love your ‘Papa Kilo Lima’ shirt design as it allows for a personal, private-yet-public acknowledgment of one’s internal battle. It is subtle, yet strong empowerment and encouragement for Fighters everywhere! I first started following your organization when I heard of it through someone I met while abroad. The impact lasted well after I returned home.

I’m extraordinarily thankful as well for your non-religious take on this important subject. Every day, I choose real love. I choose passion, kindness, selflessness, respect, gentleness, generosity. My personal beliefs a lot about what love looks like…and porn is never a description of love. I stand by your fight, because porn is not love. Porn kills love. I hope that your work continues to touch other ravaged hearts and heal them of the damage porn does.

Respectfully Anonymous,

A Fighter

Why This Matters

We’d rather celebrate someone ditching porn for good than celebrate the newest “Fifty Shades” film release.

Related: There’s No Room For “Fifty Shades” In A #MeToo World

It may seem like porn isn’t that big of a deal. Why celebrate someone’s freedom from something that is just harmless personal entertainment, right? The truth is, study after study has revealed the deep emotional, psychological and even physical harms that pornography can cause the consumer and even their partner. Porn can drive a deep wedge between the consumer and others, fuel anxiety and depression, and it can even harm the consumer’s sexual health, including causing erectile dysfunction for males. Watching isn’t worth it, especially considering pornography’s huge link to sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, and normalizing violent fantasies.

We stand for authentic relationships that strive for selflessness and mutuality, and strive to keep porn out of the picture. We stand for love. You with us?

What YOU Can Do

Show your support for the fight against porn and spread the word that it can kill love. Share this article and raise awareness that ditching is possible and healthy!

Spark Conversations

Just like the “Fifty Shades” franchise, pornography normalizes and romanticizes abuse. Porn ignores consent, promotes violence, encourages coercion, advertises objectification, and sells exploitation. Grab this conversation-starting tee and join us in fighting for real love and healthy relationships:

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