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YouTube Star Underwent 30 Plastic Surgeries To Look Like Her Ex’s Favorite Porn Performer

We all know what it’s like to do something for someone we love, right? Whether it’s taking out the trash for our parents, taking your friend’s dog...

We all know what it’s like to do something for someone we love, right? Whether it’s taking out the trash for our parents, taking your friend’s dog for a walk when they’re out of town, or throwing a surprise party for a loved one, loving the people around us by helping them out or doing something special is totally normal and awesome.

But—what if doing something special for your partner included changing your whole face and the appearance of your body to resemble their favorite porn actress?

Meet 22-year-old Berry Ng, from Hong Kong, a YouTube personality who recently came forward and shared how she went under the knife more than 30 times in 5 years to get plastic surgery so she could look like her ex-boyfriend’s favorite porn performer. She revealed that she started undergoing surgeries because, while in the relationship, her ex criticized the way she looked and often compared her to models.

RelatedTrue Story: I Became His Porn Star To Try And Save Our Relationship

Berry said she has spent more than $3,000 changing her forehead, cheeks, breasts, eyes, nose, and chin. In an interview, she told Asia One, “If he had stopped me and told me that I was beautiful enough, I would have stopped, but he didn’t.”

She decided to break up with him after she realized that no matter what changes she made, he would never be satisfied or content. (You go, girl!)

Now, Berry has vowed never to go under the knife to change her looks ever again and also said she would trade her enhanced lips and chest for the chance to look like her original self in a heartbeat, according to a report by Unilad.

A scenario more common than you’d think

Many partners around the world feel as though they can’t measure up to their partner’s porn fantasies, and this often leads to feelings of depression and anxiety, or even leads them to change their appearance, much like Berry Ng.

Check out the real story of this partner who felt the need to change her appearance after her husband wanted to watch porn with her. And check out this real story of another partner who decided to act as much like a porn star as she could to try and save her relationship.

Related15 Scientifically Explained Reasons Why Porn Isn’t Healthy For Viewers Or Society

Studies have found that after being exposed to pornographic images, people were more critical of their partner’s appearance, sexual curiosity, sexual performance, and displays of affection.

It doesn’t matter what your relationship status is if porn is part of the picture. Any relationship can be truly threatened when porn is brought into it. We don’t say “porn kills love” just for the fun of it—we say it because it’s the scientific truth.

Disconnect from fantasy

No one wakes up and says, “Today, I want to get out there and ruin my current and future relationships. I’m going to cut myself off emotionally, undermine trust, and leave my partner feeling confused, rejected, angry, and betrayed.”

Related: Asking My Wife To Watch Porn With Me Actually Ruined Our Marriage

No one says that, but a growing pile of research shows that’s exactly what can happen because of porn’s presence in a relationship. As you can see in this story, porn has the potential to hijack a relationship and undermine partners’ trust, attraction, and intimacy with each other. It can drive a wedge between partners, slowly turning their desires away from loving reality and to unrealistic fantasy. And in the end, it can completely drive partners apart. This is why we educate on the real, proven harmful effects of porn and fight for healthy relationships.

Porn creates the illusion that there is always someone sexier out there, or that you should be the porn performer of your own relationship. It sells the idea that sex is the most important part of a relationship and getting it wherever you can is the game to play. In the end, watching isn’t worth it—disconnect from fantasy, and connect to reality.


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