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This Disturbing Porn Site Fantasizes The Real Rape Problem Among Central American Migrants

Portions of this article are originally posted on The Daily Dot. They have been edited for content. The following subject matter may be graphic and potentially disturbing...

By November 22, 2017No Comments
Portions of this article are originally posted on The Daily Dot. They have been edited for content.
The following subject matter may be graphic and potentially disturbing or triggering to certain readers. Reader discretion is advised.

One of the biggest pornography companies in the world recently launched a porn site that features the “fantasy” of American border patrol agents catching undocumented Mexican and Central American women attempting to cross the border, arresting them, handcuffing them, raping them, and then sending them back across the border. (To be clear, these are actors portraying these roles based on true events.)

While many may believe that porn fantasies are fair game, the actual reality of the series is too close for comfort. A recent Fusion investigation revealed that 80% of women and girls crossing into the U.S. from Mexico are raped during their journey.

“Women and girl migrants, especially those without legal status traveling in remote areas or on trains, are at heightened risk of sexual violence at the hands of criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials,” read a 2010 Amnesty International report that Fusion cited in its investigation.

For many women coming to America, rape is the price paid to advance in their journey. Women and girl’s bodies are traded like currency to buy a few extra miles northward. According to a recent report, the prevalence of rape while crossing borders is such that women are instructed to have a contraceptive injection prior to the journey. Due to the illegal nature of crossing borders, the rapists who commit these heinous crimes are almost never caught or prosecuted.

A Twisted Take on Reality

The rape-celebrating pornographic website isn’t the disturbed brainchild of random racist amateur pornographers with video cameras. The site is operated and owned by MindGeek, the carefully cloaked parent company that owns the three highest ranking porn sites in the world that attract over 1 billion visitors per month. To put in perspective, they own Pornhub, Brazzers, and a dozen other top porn websites that many in our generation have bookmarked.

To add to the unsettling nature of the border patrol porn site, it popped up around the same time that major news stories circulated about sexual assault of female migrants. In the videos, sex is a punishment to be endured before being deported.

Related: The Connection Between Violent Porn And Domestic Violence In Bolivia

Here’s an actual description from the horrifying “fantasy” hardcore porn website:

“Watch these guys hunting the illegal female immigrants and giving them a lesson on why the law should be obeyed… Cruising in their SUV, agents catch these college girls in the field and ****** *** ******. Getting ****** by border patrol agent is one thing, but these girls don’t know that this doesn’t really mean they get to pass the border afterwards. The harsh school of reality!”

An Escalating Demand

Being involved in this movement as long as we have, we thought we’d heard it all. But this just goes to show that the porn industry stops at nothing to push the envelope and deliver more hardcore and extreme content to shock its customers.

You have probably heard people say that porn is harmless. You hear society talk about how it is normal, typical, and totally accepted. People may tell you that it doesn’t hurt anyone, and that it’s silly to think that it ever could. The facts show otherwise.

Related: How Porn & Sex Slavery Are Interconnected – Infographic

Porn is degrading, destructive, and demoralizing. Not only does it attempt to cheapen sex and intimacy, it is even trying to get you to believe that people, living human beings are merely sex objects whose value begins and ends with their ability to give pleasure.

Fetishizing Real Abuse

This disturbing border patrol porn site, even though it’s actors dramatizing real events, is living proof of the harmful attitudes and perceptions that porn sells. Fusion reported additional insights which shed even more light on the horrifying abuse that the website is mirroring with its “acting and performance.” Young immigrant girls will face countless dangers as they travel, including kidnapping and forced prostitution/human sex trafficking.

An account from the U.S Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report shows the reality of these situations:

“Maria Elena was 13 years old when a family acquaintance told her she could make ten times as much money waiting tables in the United States than she could in her small village. She and several other girls were driven across the border, and then continued the rest of the way on foot. They traveled four days and nights through the desert, making their way into Texas, then crossing east toward Florida. Finally, Maria Elena and the other girls arrived at their destination, a rundown trailer where they were forced into prostitution. Maria Elena was gang-raped and locked in the trailer until she agreed to do what she was told. She lived under 24-hour watch and was forced to have sex with up to 30 men a day. When she got pregnant, she was forced to have an abortion and sent back to work the next day. Maria Elena finally made her escape only to be arrested along with her traffickers.”

That doesn’t sound like harmless sexual entertainment to us.

Why This Matters

Porn sites that make entertainment out of the rape and torture of vulnerable immigrants by border patrol agents, even if they’re all just actors, wouldn’t exist if there weren’t a demand for them.

This demand exists because of the escalating nature of porn, and because porn culture is all too present in our societySo many studies show that exposure to porn desensitizes consumers to violence against women and influences them to believe it’s acceptable to repeat what they see on screen. Even non-violent porn influences the consumer to use forms of verbal manipulation and alcohol to push partners into sex.

Related: Porn Company Offers Miss Colombia $1 Million To Make Sex Tape

This is all easily overlooked since popular belief that porn does such a fantastic job at fooling us with is that performers in porn do it for the “enjoyment.” On the contrary, in countless cases the truth is that they usually turn to it a last resort because they believe there is nothing else for them to do to make quick cash, or they’re pressured into it via coercive methods.

We fight because porn, sex trafficking, and prostitution are all more closely linked than the adult entertainment industry would like you to believe. We also fight because real world violence should never be turned into a sexual fantasy for consumers to be entertained by. No one’s abusive reality should be sold as an entertainment product.

This is why we fight to stop the demand.

What YOU Can Do

The violence and degradation shown in porn is not okay. SHARE this article to speak out against the disturbing porn industry’s and raise awareness on the harmful effects of pornography.

Stand up in the fight against trafficking and exploitation wherever it happens by repping our new #StopTheDemand tee, available now in the Fighter Store.

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