
Why Do People Watch Porn? Article

Porn is easier to find than a good restaurant for date night, and it’ll never reject a consumer like a real person would. But why do people even log on in the first place?

Can Watching Porn Become Addictive? (VIDEO) Video

When it comes to the topic of porn, one of the most common questions is whether or not it can actually be addictive. According to many addiction experts, it absolutely can be.

I Survived Being Sex Trafficked as a Sugar Baby Article

Desperate for financial stability, Megan was persuaded into sugar dating, thinking it would solve her problems. The exploitation and trafficking that followed are characteristic of so many women’s experiences. 💔

Why Is Watching Porn Bad for You? Article

You might be asking yourself if watching porn is bad for you. It’s a reasonable question, and a complicated one. Let’s talk about what research says.