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World’s Largest Porn Site Launches “Save The Whales” Charity Gimmick

To profit off World Whale Day recently, the internet’s largest free porn site launched a fundraising campaign to promote the porn on its site under the guise of “saving...

To profit off World Whale Day recently, the internet’s largest free porn site launched a fundraising campaign to promote the porn on its site under the guise of “saving the whales.” The site said it would donate a penny for every 2,000 video views throughout the month, and that all donated funds would go to a nonprofit organization that serves whales and other marine animals.

Just Another Way To Encourage Watching Porn

The campaign site features a description of their “mission” and then tells people that the way to help out “their cause” is to—yep, you guessed it—watch lots of porn on their site. The page directs visitors to click the big green button that links to their millions of porn clips and features a sexually explicit phrase that we had to blur out. Here’s a screenshot:


“We’re now asking our community turn their attention to — and help save — a different type of blowhole,” Corey Price, Vice President at Pornhub, crudely said in a statement. “One that belongs to a majestic species that once swelled in numbers throughout the oceans before commercial industries initiated their demise.”

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How noble of this massive site to donate a penny while it makes millions of dollars off promoting sexual exploitation on its site, right? It’s obvious that they are using a charitable cause just to get people to watch more porn and get more advertising revenue.

Not Fooling Anyone

Pornhub’s “Save the Whales” campaign is the latest effort from the site’s cloak-and-dagger “charity initiative” to normalize porn and cover up the fact that it features such categories on its site such as ‘extreme brutal gang bang,’ ’18 and abused,’ and ‘crying teen.’ Marketing gimmicks like this may make others forget what this site truly represents, but not those who are educated on the issue.

This graphic porn site’s attempt to market itself as an organization that “cares” goes to show that it will stop at nothing in order to lure this generation to their site and get them thinking that watching porn is a normal, carefree, and harmless pastime. Make no mistake, like every other pornographic website, this hugely popular porn site fuels the demand for sexual exploitation in society. Pornography is not only proven to harm the brain and damage relationships, it is inseparably linked to prostitution and sex trafficking.

To viewers, pornography appears to be a fantasy world of endless pleasure, but to those who create and participate in making porn, their experiences are often flooded with drugs, disease, slavery, rape and abuse. Watch just a couple of our interviews with porn stars who have since left the industry and you will quickly see that perception is most definitely not reality. The truth is that while active porn performers rarely, if ever, speak out due to fear of not getting work or being persecuted within the industry, the majority of these very same porn performers inevitably end up speaking out on their traumatic experiences once they leave the industry. And these stomach-turning personal accounts are never pretty.

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The truth is that while active porn performers rarely, if ever, speak out due to fear of not getting work or being persecuted within the industry, the majority of these very same porn performers inevitably end up speaking out on their traumatic experiences once they leave the industry. And these stomach-turning personal accounts are never pretty.

A Legacy Of Exploitation

Our friends over at the National Center of Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) have been speaking out against this sleazy advertising scheme by Pornhub as well. The NCOSE said in a statement:

This company is built upon a legacy of exploitation, and it is no more charitable in mind than a tobacco company that offers a scholarship to whichever teen can smoke the most of its brand-name cigarettes.

Science and research has proven that porn is not normal, harmless, or healthy. And huge porn companies like this one do anything they can to make teens think otherwise, in order to stuff their own pockets with cash. The reality is that porn is just not cool at all and it definitely doesn’t do any good in the world, despite what they may try and tell us.


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