Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!
Keep posting. Keep the podcast. Keep reminding me of what I need to avoid. The more I see you in my feed, the better. I'm so grateful for the work you and others do to save.
I wanted to take this time to say thank you. Thanks for all that y’all do to shine a light on pornography and sexual exploitation. When I was a kid, my dad did things to my sister that I won’t mention. His pornography addiction cost him his two precious children. There were many years I was hurt by those circumstances and held onto my anger. Since then, I’ve been able to attend a recovery program and use Fortify. I’m now starting my own organization with a friend that centers around child abduction prevention. I am grateful for all that y’all do. Fight on!
What a fantastic docuseries. Brain, Heart, World brought a smile to my face when I reached the end. I’m glad I stuck around to watch it from beginning to end. All of what was stated, I went through personally, and it began to put a strong halt in my life. This stuff creates a lot of problems in my life, just like other addictions would. I’m so glad I’m taking steps to take it out and rewire my brain for the better.
I’m almost 90 days free of porn, and I’m beginning to understand how a healthy relationship just wasn’t possible with porn in my life. So, the greatest experience I have is hope.
Thanks for helping people make the decision about what to consume based on the facts and not just opinions!
Hi, I struggled with pornography for over half of my life, and the past two months, I have been taking real steps to rid my life of the scourge it is. I love the message of your platform and it has been really helping me through this struggle.
Hello, it's been 7 months since I turned away from porn. My sex life has improved a lot and now I enjoy my relationship with my girlfriend. I thank you a lot for the support and encouragement you showed to me during my battle against porn. You have all my gratitude.
Hey, I watched your recent three-part documentary series on porn’s impacts. I wanted to say thanks for putting that together, and thanks for allowing us to access it for free!
Thank you for making these resources free. You are fighting the good fight & helping free our adolescents from the grips of porn addiction.
There are so many horrible crimes associated with porn that people often don’t realize: sex trafficking, sexual violence, rape, etc. This culture is so intent on immediate gratification that we don’t see what trauma is going on behind the screen. Let’s choose real love and fight to help others break free from porn addiction. This podcast and the incredible message this organization spreads are so vital in our world today. Thank you for pioneering this movement. I’m honored to be a part of it.
I watched this with my 13-year-old and it opened a door for some great conversations. He was very thankful that I took the time to help empower him with the truth! Thank you for creating such a fabulous resource!
It was great to see how other people are struggling, too. And even though I am older, I can still change how I think.
I’m grateful to have come across your website while I was searching for ways to stop my compulsive porn use. For the first time, I feel like I have the upper hand over my struggles. You gave me the strength to fight on when I was feeling helpless. By shedding light on the impact that porn has on me, the people closest to me, and the society at large, you encouraged me to quit porn. Not just for me but for everyone who is affected.
The three episodes of Brain, Heart, World inspired me to try and make a difference in my country. Great job to your team for doing this docuseries, and a special thank you to the people who shared their stories and experiences with us viewers. You are precious.
I have felt like I am worth the time I put into my self. I let go of the shame I carried as being a viewer, a secret life that no one knew about. I am who I authentically want to be. People see this person and know this person. I'm doing a 5K run in a couple weeks that I've been training for.
I'm glad to find this platform. I have tried to quit before, and when looking for resources, I could only find some that had religious reasonings and it was hard to find something that was science and fact-based