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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #646
You guys are the best! I put my Fighter Club stickers on all of my electronics and I’m entering my longest porn-free period in 9 years! The podcast and social media posts help me stay motivated and my monthly donation reminds me that I’m literally invested in winning!
Impact Journal #705
I am loving your podcast. I only started listening this week and I love the engagement. Whoever the host is does such a great job! Keep it up!
Impact Journal #639
Your organization changed my life. I know this donation isn’t a lot but I hope it makes a difference. I appreciate you all working hard on this.
Impact Journal #150
Thank you for the life-changing and life-giving work that you do.
Impact Journal #610
Wow, it’s like a revelation to me. I kinda binge listened to all of the podcast episodes this week while at work and home, and my mind is blown. Porn is the root of where I lost myself, I didn’t know but now I understand! Porn is the root of so much of what I stand against and things I’ve been subject to and yet I have fed into and engaged in pornography. I knew the grip it had on me but I didn’t connect the dots.
Impact Journal #434
I love that Brain, Heart, World wasn’t shaming. It was an informative video and was entertaining for our teenager, too.
Impact Journal #256
Hi. I think this movement is amazing. The amount of work that has been put into it shows— everything from the documentary to the interviews, the website, and the store. I was aware of the issues, like sex trafficking and relationship interference, but this really puts it all together and makes me want to change. Thanks for everything.
Impact Journal #649
Since joining Fighter Club, I’ve found more ways to proudly represent the movement, and I’ve been able to have some good conversations about it with people who recognize me as someone who speaks out and stands against pornography. I love getting updates about opportunities to get more deeply involved, and I also love hearing about the impact our efforts have on people.
Impact Journal #426
WOW! That’s an incredibly powerful docuseries. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid, and messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop watching porn, and I’m still tempted. This film was so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.
Impact Journal #23
I just wanted to share that I was able to present to my whole student body about human trafficking, and specifically share about how pornography is connected to sex trafficking. It went well, and some students were really struck by the information about sex trafficking and wanted to change their habits and make a difference. I also received the “Concept in Action Award.” This is an award for a student who embodies the school’s mission. And I wanted to let you know the #NoPornovember Campaign, attending the conference with you all, and just all you do at Fight really inspired all of this for me! Thank you so much!
Impact Journal #369
I'm so incredibly grateful for your organization; you've helped me get on the path of healing and hope. Porn nearly destroyed my life, now I've been clean for almost two years! I bought a shirt just recently and can't wait to rep FTND as much as I can! I don't think I'll ever be able to pay you back fully, but I intend to try! Thank you x1000000!
Impact Journal #116
Wow, FTND. Your email this morning, with the subject title “PSA: Porn Is Not Healthy” came at exactly the right time. I’ve been having an increasingly difficult time staying away from porn. I’ve been free of it for about 3 months, but, unfortunately, this morning I looked up a popular porn website. Just as I tapped on the first video, your email popped up at the top of my screen. I instantly knew what I was doing shouldn’t happen, and I exited the website. Thanks for the amazingly-timed email, and thanks for all you do to combat this pervasive issue.
Impact Journal #5
I wanted to take this time to say thank you. Thanks for all that y’all do to shine a light on pornography and sexual exploitation. When I was a kid, my dad did things to my sister that I won’t mention. His pornography addiction cost him his two precious children. There were many years I was hurt by those circumstances and held onto my anger. Since then, I’ve been able to attend a recovery program and use Fortify. I’m now starting my own organization with a friend that centers around child abduction prevention. I am grateful for all that y’all do. Fight on!
Impact Journal #576
This is such an important topic. People are either ignorant of the problems or it’s the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. But once we release the shame and start conversations, then we can win this war. Porn has already destroyed so many relationships, including two of my marriages. Since I’ve been listening to these podcasts and supporting Fight the New Drug, I have the confidence to speak out. Young men have confessed to me that they have issues with real women after growing up on internet porn. People don’t realize what they can be doing to themselves and others. It’s time we speak up like we do with other drugs. Thank you Fight the New Drug for all of this great information and your platform.
Impact Journal #24
Dear FTND, I just wanted to say thank you. I am a normal tenth-grade girl who was told my whole life that porn was “gross and dirty.” I wanted to understand outside of my own context why it was “bad.” Your website has provided me with the information I needed to justify why I took my stand against pornography. In English class, I was able to speak for 6 minutes about something; I chose the dangers of porn. It wasn’t easy, but my heart breaks for this generation of boys and girls who don’t understand why they can’t seem to have functional relationships. I wanted to do something about it. I have had multiple conversations after my speech, and hope that at least one person began to think about the potential consequences of porn. This hasn’t been easy to talk about it, but having the right information definitely made it easier. Thank you.