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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #686
Thanks for the work you all do. Looks like humanity needs you.
Impact Journal #643
Keep up the good work. You are doing great work raising awareness.
Impact Journal #304
Thank you for the lifeline of your organization. My family has been affected by this issue, and this is the first time I've felt real hope.
Impact Journal #3
I want to tell you how much I absolutely LOVE FTND. I traveled the country with a team of twenty-somethings, talking to middle and high school students about porn, relationships, healthy choices, etc. While on tour, I learned about human trafficking and was devastated by it. I knew I had to do something about it. One of my teammates shared FTND with me as she told her personal story of now being free from her addiction to porn. I now work for a nonprofit which combats human trafficking and child exploitation. I cannot tell you how appreciative I am (both personally and professionally) of FTND and all that you do. Giving others the opportunity to make informed decisions about porn and the inseparable link between it and sex trafficking is something I am deeply passionate about.
Impact Journal #522
Excellent. I have no words to explain what a great job you are doing and the incredible impact you have. Thank you for giving your time and talents to fight for LOVE.
Impact Journal #91
I’m a month clean from porn today! I wanted to celebrate that, so I’m letting you know! I left porn in 2020 and I’m using this year to focus on fighting this addiction. Thank you for spreading the knowledge of the effect porn has on us! I share the mission and information from FTND with a lot of people. Thank you for making me, a woman who struggles with porn, feel normal and not judged. Women struggle, too! That needs to be a continual message out there.
Impact Journal #208
Yo! Thank you, guys! I love what you do. You’re amazing. The information you provide has helped me so much in my battle!
Impact Journal #728
I can't seem to keep enough of the wristbands with me. It is an amazing conversation starter. People ask what it means and stands for and as they show interest, I take it off and offer it to them. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about this cause with others.
Impact Journal #124
I’m happy to see FTND fighting the shame and stigma that gets in the way of people getting help. The first few years of my addiction counseling with a therapist were focused entirely on dismantling the deep-rooted shame built up by myself and others. Porn addiction is a cycle fueled by shame, and though I know people’s intentions are good, people need to know that when they tell people they are shameful for struggling, they are part of the problem. Thanks, FTND, for publicly stating this.
Impact Journal #360
We’re usually not ones to spend big amounts of money on clothes, but since my husband is an ex-porn addict, and we are incredibly passionate about this topic we had to make room in our small budget to take this opportunity. We will wear these shirts as often as we can to spark conversation. 100% worth it.
Impact Journal #529
Wow, this docuseries was truly awakening. I’ve tried and tried many times to quit porn, and after relapsing a couple of days ago, this was the motivation that I needed. I accept that what triggers me won’t go away, things won’t change straight away and there’s still the possibility of relapsing again; I have to be aware of that. But when one sees clearly that things do get better and the clouds do part eventually, it’s very motivating to know that there’s more to life than this. Beyond pornography is a better, more rewarding, and more fulfilling life. Thank you for making this documentary. I will work even harder to kick this out of my life!
Impact Journal #333
Thank you! At the beginning of this year, I caught my husband looking at porn. He was exposed to it at a young age and addicted the majority of his life. It was probably one of the most painful experiences I’ve gone through. Now he’s been openly sharing with others his story, has been free of porn, has an accountability group, and he is just is able to enjoy a life without porn’s hold on him. It’s been so difficult to go through this, but we’re fighting! Thank you for your encouragement in a world that normalizes porn.
Impact Journal #158
I am so grateful for your commitment to spreading love in this way and through this community. You are a force for good in a space that is so desperate for it. And I am so grateful to you for being an empowering group, sharing your values with the world in such an honest, loving, and beautiful way. You have empowered me and given me hope. I want to express just how special you are. To every person who reads this and has it in their heart to share this message: thank you. To everyone who took it upon themselves to build this platform and bring this message of love and freedom and truth into the world: thank you. You are truly a light and a force for good. Thank you for sharing what is in your heart.
Impact Journal #512
This message is clear and powerful. I start my fight today.