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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #108
Thank you for showing the humanity in people in the porn industry. When I was a teen, I was caught up in the industry by an older man I thought I could trust. I wish more people knew that for so many girls they see online, consent isn’t an option. I was told if I didn’t do something, or revoked my consent, I’d owe THEM money or they’d do something to hurt me. Imagine if a date told you that you’d owe them money if you didn’t sleep with them. But the industry got a free pass for that. That’s the tip of the iceberg, but the fear and myriad of coercion tactics they use are real… while so many young girls/boys are being exploited. I’m thankful that there are people speaking up about the porn industry. It’s not regulated or supervised, so I’m hesitant to even call it an industry. I fight every day to move on, so when I see people also fighting against this, it really warms my heart.
Impact Journal #318
Thanks for everything you guys do. Honestly, the fight is real and sometimes shame eats at me but thanks for the inspiration.
Impact Journal #423
We just watched Brain, Heart, World this week with our 18-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son. Excellent! We had a good discussion and will continue the dialogue. I’ve already recommended it to others. Thank you so much for this Fighter resource!!
Impact Journal #365
I just wanted to say that I absolutely love these tees and everything they stand for! My boyfriend watched porn for years before we were together. He quit when we started dating but started again when he got stressed after 10 months of us dating. He started acting weird and was just not being very respectful. I found out and he came to me and told me he really needed help. He is now on the road to recovery from addiction. I’ve seen firsthand what pornography does to love and it’s honestly so scary. Thank you guys for trying to spread awareness and hope.
Impact Journal #378
What a fantastic docuseries. Brain, Heart, World brought a smile to my face when I reached the end. I’m glad I stuck around to watch it from beginning to end. All of what was stated, I went through personally, and it began to put a strong halt in my life. This stuff creates a lot of problems in my life, just like other addictions would. I’m so glad I’m taking steps to take it out and rewire my brain for the better.
Impact Journal #68
Your content is so good–I actually can’t stop reading your articles and sharing them!
Impact Journal #505
Excellent! I am so happy that this is being discussed and brought to light in such a productive way. As an educator, I have seen the impact of pornography on younger and younger kids, and it's heartbreaking. You are making a difference through raising awareness!
Impact Journal #164
I really appreciate all that you stand for! There are millions of kids and teenagers that need to hear the message you spread!
Impact Journal #695
Thank you for opening my eyes to this world and providing tools and resources to get educated and change my life.
Impact Journal #438
This documentary is so well done. Thank you for all that you are doing. I pledge to do my small part to spread this message in my sex-positive community.
Impact Journal #608
Many individuals sweep sexual struggles under the rug in modern culture. The general population either justifies or shames these twisted versions of natural desire. FTND has done a good job of finding the middle ground, which lies in informing an individual of the damaging effects of pornography. Cheers to FTND for spreading the facts about pornography, and sharing hope for healing.
Impact Journal #151
Thank you for being such a force for good in the world!
Impact Journal #125
I first was introduced to porn when I was in 6th grade when I found my father's VHS collection. I struggled for over 10 years. It wasn’t until I admitted my addiction to my then-fiancé (now wife) that I was able to overcome the addiction. It isn’t easy, and triggers are everywhere, but having support from my loved ones and pages like this have made all the difference. Clean and clear for over two years now. I have four brothers who are all working on their recovery because of me. Porn would’ve killed my marriage to a wonderful woman who I have been with for 11 years now.
Impact Journal #729
In all this digital world of useless information your content is truly constructive. I appreciate every single post you share. People should raise awareness and talk openly about this problem that has profound impact in the life of individuals and the foundation of society.
Impact Journal #606
As a mother of four children, I am so grateful for this mission of fighting for LOVE and teaching about the ill and destructive effects of pornography.