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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #282
33 years of porn addiction; 34 months now of freedom! You guys are one tool I use in the battle. Thanks!
Impact Journal #237
Thanks for showing me the light out of my depression!
Impact Journal #491
Really good documentary. I was struggling with pornography until I broke up with my girlfriend. Now that I have lost someone who was special to me, I understand the consequences of consuming it. It’s sad that my relationship didn’t work out, but this gives me another reason to fight for real love.
Impact Journal #291
I wanted to take a moment and thank your organization. I’ve been addicted on and off since I was a teenager. I stopped for nearly two years when I first met my wife, and about two years ago, I fell back on it in a big way. I confessed my struggle to my wife, and although she was obviously upset, her support was still there. I’d go a week or two, then give in. Now, I’m on my current longest streak in a couple of years of two months, and it feels amazing. My marriage is stronger and our sex life is great again. It’s organizations like yours that keep love alive and talk about the uncomfortable/unpopular side of the porn industry that need to be discussed! Keep up the good work, and thank you again.
Impact Journal #375
Hey, I watched your recent three-part documentary series on porn’s impacts. I wanted to say thanks for putting that together, and thanks for allowing us to access it for free!
Impact Journal #727
It's been 12 months since I watched one of your videos. I was a habitual porn consumer and I had an emerging addiction. I watched your video and decided no more! This month marks 12 months since I gave up porn. I've never felt better about myself.
Impact Journal #235
Thank you for what you are doing! It is important. I have struggled with porn for many years after early exposure. I have not looked at porn for years after much support.
Impact Journal #347
I appreciate what you're doing. As you know, it's really needed. I first learned of you via the Porn Kills Love tee
Impact Journal #214
I gotta say . . . I love what you’re promoting. Please keep it up and bring more awareness! There are so many downsides to pornography and people are hurting because of it!
Impact Journal #132
Thank you for spreading knowledge and helping us live better lives.
Impact Journal #469
This was so awesome! Thank you so much for putting these episodes together. We watched them with our kids and were able to have a great discussion about the harmful effects of porn. Thank you!
Impact Journal #261
You guys helped me quit porn because you showed me that I wasn't broken. You showed me that I'm fighting for love and for true intimacy and connection. The information you provide has helped me enlighten others about the dangers of porn. Thank you. Keep fighting. I know that a lot of people like me only lurk around your page, but just know that you are helping people. I know you are because you have helped me. Keep fighting. Fight for love!
Impact Journal #741
I just wanted to share a cool experience I had today! I've been wearing my PKL shirt for years and hoping that it's helping spread the message, but I've had very few if any conversations about it. Today I had a new friend ask me about it and we had a good long conversation where I was able to share my viewpoint and cite some of the research you share! He committed to look into it more and he knows I'm going to ask him what he thought when I see him next week!
Impact Journal #470
I loved it! The whole segment was done with excellence in a way that keeps the viewer’s’ attention. I will definitely be encouraging my friends and family to watch this, whether they themselves are struggling with pornography consumption or not.
Impact Journal #614
I felt compelled to reach out and give a huge thank you to everyone at this organization. I’ve been dealing with a porn addiction for a while now and just recently started getting real help to try and recover. I came across the Consider Before Consuming podcast and have been going through episodes over the past several weeks. It’s really helped continue to open my eyes to the problem and made me feel not as alone. The episode with Alex especially touched me as I felt like he was telling a version of my story. Please keep up the awesome work and if there is anything I could ever do to help I wouldn’t think twice!