If you’ve spent any time at all learning about the cause we’re all about, you know that porn and the way it affects people and society is a big deal. So big, in fact, that it might seem overwhelming or impossible to put a dent in.
But look, creating awareness isn’t just about exposing porn for the lies it sells—it’s about doing something about it, about lifting each other up and fighting for real love.
Our over 6 million Fighters around the world are literally the hands and feet of this movement. Let’s face it, our website, educational resources, documentary series, and our conversation-starting tee shirts are only part of the equation.
The real power of the movement lies in people like you who are willing to take a stand in their own communities and invite people to consider the harms before consuming porn.
Introducing: FTND’s Street Team Kit.
What’s a Street Team Fighter?
Fight the New Drug Street Team Fighters are the ones engaging in the grassroots movement, doing the work on the ground at the local level.
Awareness happens on so many levels, but ultimately, people are more willing to listen to friends, to listen in comfortable spaces and in familiar language. FTND Street Teams are critical to not only driving the movement, but helping it grow and flourish and shine light in some pretty dark corners. It’s all about raising awareness and changing the conversation.
Step 1: Grab a “Street Team” Kit
A Street Team Kit has everything you need to be a conversation-starting machine.
We specifically designed these kits and their contents to be a walking billboard for the movement, and an easy way to get the conversation rolling in an engaging but respectful way.
Check out all the gear you get in a single kit:
The Street Team Kit includes:
- 1 Exclusive Street Team Tee
- 12 Double-Sided Flyers
- 1 Street Team Patch
- 1 Street Team Silicone Wristband
- 1 Street Team Cloth Wristband
- 1 Vinyl Sticker Sheet with 17 Stickers
- 2 Double-Sided Posters
- 1 Limited Fighter Zine
- All in a Street Team Cinch Bag
Step 2: Make a game plan
Grab a kit, rally a few friends, and hit the streets with a mission to spread the word, have fun, and start some rad conversations on how people should consider the effects before consuming porn.
Plan on encountering a lot of opportunities to simply spread the word and get some dialogue going about a subject that’s mainly seen as taboo in society.
Got your friends, got your kit, but you’re not sure how to spread the movement? Read on.
Step 3: Make the movement known
Get creative, get connected with your own style, and be confident.
Want to print out material from our website and hand it out? Go for it.
Want to put up posters and stickers on public boards around the city? Awesome. (FTND note: graffiti or vandalism is never a good idea. Respect your city’s laws and use common sense!)
Step 4: Repeat
It can be easy to have something within reach if your PKL tee or Fighter gear ever strikes up a conversation.
For example, when you travel, keep a few handout cards handy. If you run out, grab a new kit and use it to cover a new area! Make a plan to meet up with friends and cover the city.
Just one sticker on that coffee shop community board can impact countless people to do a double-take and think twice about porn being healthy, so imagine the impact that dozens of them can inspire!
Real connection & real conversation
Sometimes it might feel like we’re alone in our fight and that the odds are stacked against us. That’s normal. But it’s also why the Street Team is important.
Just knowing there are others out there who feel the same way, who understand the effects of porn on the brain and relationships, goes a long way to maintaining momentum in the fight. Raising awareness of some pretty heavy topics is hard work and more hands on deck make that work just a little bit easier.
And think about this: That connection you feel when you’re spreading the word or hanging posters or handing out cards? That’s real. It’s everything porn isn’t.
Related: What To Say When Someone Asks About Your ‘Porn Kills Love’ Tee
Ever spend time in the comment section of our Facebook posts (or anywhere on the internet, really)? Then you know how easy it is for people to say things they wouldn’t say to another person if they were face to face. This makes having online conversations about pornography difficult.
The conversations the FTND Street Team strike up remove that digital barrier, making it possible to have actual dialogue instead of shouting matches. Face to face is where it’s at. And keeping it friendly, light, and conversational is even more impactful. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it if you feel awkward at first!
When we have face-to-face conversations with people in our communities, at work, or with complete strangers, we can ditch our preconceived notions of who we think the other is and actually get to know each other.
That’s what the movement is all about: meaningful conversations about a topic that was previously one of the most taboo subjects in society.
Fight the New Drug Street Teams
It’s Fighters like you who are so important to changing the conversation about porn. By being out there with Street Team Fighter Kit in hand, by plastering up posters and stickers, handing out cards, and sharing facts you can reach people in a way that websites and social media sites can never match.
From college campuses to tourist areas, major landmarks to urban gathering places, these actions all will undoubtedly get people talking about a fact that society needs to hear: porn is anything but harmless entertainment.
Get involved
We couldn’t do this without you. Take a stand, right where you are, pick up a “Street Team” Kit and speak out against the harmful effects of pornography.