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Spanish Resources that Educate on the Harmful Effects of Pornography

As a global movement, we are working to provide resources in other languages. For Spanish materials that educate on porn's harms, check out these resources.

By September 19, 2024No Comments

Decades of studies from respected academic institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption for individuals, relationships, and society.

Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.

What started over a decade ago, as a group of college friends with a shared passion to positively impact the world, has grown into a global movement. We are so proud to say that millions of people are now recognizing pornography for what it is and rejecting its influence in their lives.

Related: What the Movement for Real Love Looks Like Around the World​ (Photos)

We are the organization we are today because of those who have fought for this cause and supported our mission to raise awareness on the harmful effects of porn.

We’re continually growing, and it is because of our Fighters that our resources have been able to educate and raise awareness on this issue across the globe.

Included in our globalization efforts are our ongoing translation projects, which involve professionally translating select FTND materials and resources into other languages—including Spanish!

Visit the Spanish version of our website here and access select resources, including:

FTND Resources

For more Spanish materials that educate on porn’s harms, check out these resources:

Brain, Heart, World | three-part docu-series with Spanish subtitles

Brain, Heart World is Fight the New Drug’s three-part documentary series. This incredibly engaging and informative resource is available and free to view in private settings thanks to the generosity of our supporters.

Now, Fighters can watch Brain, Heart, World with Spanish subtitles by clicking here.

Related: How Far Your Donation Goes with Fight the New Drug

“Hablemos sobre la pornografía” | a step-by-step guide in Spanish that helps people know what to say in conversations about porn

Our conversation guide, “Let’s Talk About Porn,” but in Spanish. Talking about pornography can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be.

Arm yourself with more than stats with this complete conversation guide that can help you step-by-step talk to couples, strangers, parents, children, friends, and others about porn. Click here for the English version.

Conversation Blueprint

Thanks to you, our Fighters

There are many other ongoing and future globalization projects that we’re continuing to create and share, and they wouldn’t be possible without your support and your continued choice to partner with us in this fight for love.

BHW - General

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