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Joshua’s Story: Why I Left The Porn Industry After an Award-Winning Career (VIDEO)

After moving to Los Angeles, Joshua found his way into the porn industry. After five years and winning many awards, Joshua left the industry.

Joshua Broome grew up in a small town in South Carolina where he started his modeling career. He moved to Los Angeles, California, to pursue a career in acting and modeling.

Eventually, he found his way into the porn industry. After five years in the industry, and winning several awards, Joshua left the porn industry.

Now, Joshua is now a passionate anti-porn advocate, husband, and father to three children. Joshua currently travels and shares his story all over the world. You can follow Joshua on Instagram and TikTok at @iamjoshuabroome.⁠

Listen to Joshua Broome’s interview with Consider Before Consuming, a podcast by Fight the New Drug.

Click here to read more about his story.


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