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How I Entered the Porn Industry (VIDEO)

In this video, see how Aaron and Deanna Lynn first got into porn through being abused and exploited.

One common argument in defense of porn is that performers are all consenting adults. But unfortunately, that is virtually impossible to guarantee—just listen to these personal accounts from ex-performers.

Their experiences show that, in the porn industry, the lines between abuse and consent are so blurred, there’s no viable way to tell the difference.

Related: 5 Real Stories of Trafficked Performers in the Porn Industry

Performers can be coerced into participating, and consumers wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell the difference—even if they were watching something nonconsensual or something someone was forced or tricked into doing.

In this video, see how Aaron and Deanna Lynn first got into porn through being abused and exploited. The unfortunate reality is that the porn industry has an extensive history of profiting from exploitation, nonconsensual content, and abuse.

These true survivor stories show only a glimpse of what many in the commercial sex industry experience. To learn more, explore

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