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Frequent Porn Consumers Tend to Rely on Porn to Become Aroused During Sex, Study Finds

This study found that women who more frequently consume porn are more likely to rely on pornographic images or scripts to become aroused.

By January 12, 2022No Comments

Decades of studies from respected academic institutions, have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption for individuals, relationships, and society. "What’s the Research" aims to shed light on the expanding field of academic resources that showcase porn’s harms in a variety of ways. Below are selected excerpts from published studies on this issue.

The full study can be accessed here.

Pornography and Heterosexual Women’s Intimate Experiences with a Partner

Authors: Jennifer A. Johnson, Matthew B. Ezzell, Ana J. Bridges, and Chyng F. Sun
Published: September 2019

Peer-Reviewed Journal: Journal of Women’s Health


Pornographic media characterized by discordant images of sexual pleasure and aggression are increasingly formulating young heterosexual women’s sexual scripts.

Yet there has been little work done on the downstream role of pornography consumption; how does pornography use relate to heterosexual women’s thoughts and feelings during sexual experiences with a partner?


We surveyed 706 heterosexual women (18–29 years of age) in the United States, associating consumption of pornography with sexual preferences, experiences, and concerns.

As part of a larger, multinational study, our sample included 706 respondents. Inclusion criteria were as follows: residing in the United States, female gender, 18–29 years of age, heterosexual orientation, and having had at least one prior sexual experience.


Although most heterosexual women have seen pornography (83%), a little less than half (43.5%) use it for masturbation, half of whom use it one time per month or less.

Among female consumers who were sexually active, higher rates of consumption for masturbation were associated with increased mental activation of the pornographic script during sex—heightened recall of pornographic images during sex with a partner, heightened reliance on pornography for achieving and maintaining arousal, and a preference for pornography consumption over sex with a partner.

Furthermore, higher activation of the pornographic script during sex, rather than simply viewing pornographic material, was also associated with higher rates of insecurities about their appearance and diminished enjoyment of intimate acts such as kissing or caressing during sex with a partner.

These findings suggest that pornography consumption may relate to female consumers’ sexual experiences indirectly and indicate that pornographic thoughts during dyadic sexual encounters may not improve heterosexual women’s sexual experiences with a partner.

The full study can be accessed here.

Truth About Porn