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A study of women in relationships with men who consume porn found that the frequency of the man’s porn consumption was negatively correlated with the woman’s sense of self-esteem, level of relationship quality, and sexual satisfaction.
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(Tylka & Kroon Van Diest, 2015)
Women whose partners consume porn tend to experience more psychological distress, feel more objectified, have poorer body image, and are even more likely to develop eating disorder symptoms.
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Fast Fact #40
(Szymanski, Feltman, & Dunn, 2015)
Research shows that even individuals who are accepting of pornography tend to experience psychological distress when their own partners consume pornography.
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Fast Fact #57
(Perry, 2018; Perry & Davis, 2017; Perry & Schleifer, 2018)
Research consistently shows that porn consumers are twice as likely to later experience a divorce or breakup —even after controlling for marital happiness, sexual satisfaction, and other relevant factors.
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Fast Fact #34