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Ex-Performer Describes What BDSM and Abuse Porn Is Really Like (VIDEO)

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the world of extreme abuse porn? Meet Theodosia, an ex-porn performer who spent years doing BDSM porn.

By August 11, 2022No Comments

“They want the suffering.”

Have you ever wondered what really goes on in the world of extreme abuse porn? Meet Theodosia, an ex-porn performer who spent years doing bondage, domination, submission and masochism (BDSM) porn.

After surviving childhood abuse, the trauma she endured fed into violent and abusive romantic relationships, and eventually led to a boyfriend introducing her to the world of violent pornography. She came to learn that the women who could endure a lot of pain on camera were valued in the BDSM porn world, and she was taught that her primary talent was suffering well.

Related: “The More Real the Pain, the More Views I Got”: Real Stories from Theodosia, a Former BDSM Porn Performer

One day, after years of being abused on camera, Theodosia realized she could no longer stomach the world she was thrown into.

See how Theodosia got her start in BDSM porn, and why she eventually left the industry on her own terms.

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