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TEDx Talk—Why This Entrepreneur’s Life Goal is to Never Watch Porn Again

Watch as entrepreneur, recovering porn addict, and activist Eli Nash shares his hardships on the TEDx stage in his talk titled “Escaping Porn Addiction.” What started as...

By January 15, 2020No Comments

Watch as entrepreneur, recovering porn addict, and activist Eli Nash shares his hardships on the TEDx stage in his talk titled “Escaping Porn Addiction.”

What started as an appeal to women’s clothing catalogs at a young age quickly turned to an appetite for internet porn, leading to an addiction to pornography that would follow him well into adulthood. It wasn’t until things got too far in reality that Eli realized that porn was more than a fantasy: it was, as he says, the very thing that drove him to have an affair. Never wanting to hurt his wife again, Eli has now vowed to make it his life’s priority to never see porn again.

You can also listen to Eli as he shares his story on our podcast, Consider Before Consuming, describing how he decided to come forward with the truth about his addiction and his early childhood sexual abuse that may have played a part in it.

To listen to Eli’s interview on our podcast “Consider Before Consuming,” click here.

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