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Student Assembly About Pornography

Looking for a student assembly about pornography to help educate youth in your community? Look no further...

Are you interested in bringing an age-appropriate student assembly about pornography’s impacts to a middle school, junior high, or high school near you? Fight the New Drug (FTND) is a non-religious and non-legislative nonprofit that is here to help, as you can see in the video above!

In our tech-savvy world, pornography’s influence is only growing. Unfortunately, the rates at which people (especially youth) are experiencing porn’s harmful effects are only growing as well. Because of this, Fight the New Drug provides ways for people like you to bring a relevant, engaging, research-focused, and affordable student assembly about porn’s harms to your community today!

Working closely with academics and clinicians, we’ve put together powerful presentations that highlight quality research and true stories that show how porn can have a negative impact on individuals, relationships, and society. Over the years we’ve received amazing feedback like this:

First off, just wanted to say how much we enjoyed having [FTND] on campus for the time he was able to be here. Our students were very receptive of the presentation and I have received a lot of positive feedback about the event and how they want us to host more things like that!

Live Presentations

For over a decade, Fight the New Drug has been sought after for a student assembly at hundreds of schools, reaching 1 million+ people to date. But we don’t just offer our student assembly for middle school and high school audiences. Fight the New Drug also offers presentations for colleges and universities, as well as a presentation for parents, caregivers, community members, or conference attendees.

While survey data shows the general public is largely misinformed or unaware when it comes to porn’s harms, those who engage with FTND resources like our social media campaigns or a student assembly have a much better understanding of what the research says and are more empowered to combat porn’s harms in their lives.

Don’t wait, our booking schedule is filling up! Learn more about our youth-friendly assemblies today!


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