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How Pornography Affects Human Sex Trafficking || Truth About Porn (VIDEO)

Susan Norris is the Founder and Executive Director of Rescuing Hope, Inc. and has been involved in the fight against sex trafficking in America since 2010.

Susan Norris is the Founder and Executive Director of Rescuing Hope, Inc. and has been involved in the fight against sex trafficking in America since 2010.

Her passion is to raise awareness about the issue, educate potential victims and first responders and encourage and empower survivors to live an abundant life. Susan partners with other front-line organizations, therapists and law enforcement officers she met through the writing of her novel, Rescuing Hope, as well as through mentoring survivors.

Susan is a member of the Georgia State Human Trafficking Task Force. She is P.O.S.T. certified to train law enforcement in Georgia and is a CLASS-certified speaker. She holds a Master’s in Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She taught in public and private schools prior to joining the fight against sex trafficking.

Over the last decade, an overwhelming amount of science and research has come out on the topic of pornography and its effects on the viewer, their relationships, and society. Truth About Porn is a current, ever-growing database dedicated to the research on the harmful effects of pornography.

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