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Fighting Sexual Exploitation With PHASE Alliance

Fight the New Drug joins forces with the Elizabeth Smart Foundation and the Malouf Foundation as part of the all-new PHASE Alliance.


To make an even greater difference in the ever-growing issue of sexual exploitation and trafficking, Fight the New Drug is partnering with two other nationally recognized nonprofits under a new umbrella organization called the PHASE Alliance.

Fight the New Drug, the Elizabeth Smart Foundation, and the Malouf Foundation form the PHASE Alliance and bring over 30 years of combined experience to the table. We all focus on different programs and projects, but our goal is the same: to create a world free of sexual exploitation.

FTND Resources

While PHASE will help with administration, operations, and fundraising, Fight the New Drug will stick to what we do best: spreading awareness of the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and personal accounts so that individuals all over the world can make a more informed decision when it comes to pornography.

With this collaboration, Fight the New Drug will continue to produce the same awareness-raising, conversation-starting content, and resources; we will just be supported by an even bigger network to further our mission. By working alongside these incredible organizations, Fight the New Drug increases its capacity and resources to further education and awareness of the realities of pornography.

The founders of PHASE Alliance

The PHASE Alliance exists to radically reduce victimization from sexual exploitation through a robust network of prevention and healing programs. The PHASE™ Alliance stands for Prevention and Healing Against Sexual Exploitation and focuses on prevention, education, intervention, and healing.

Fight the New Drug’s Co-Founder Clay Olsen will serve as the CEO of PHASE Alliance and said, regarding PHASE, “Over the last two decades, social conditioning has driven the demand for sexual exploitation to an unprecedented level. Today, sexual exploitation affects everyone in our society; that’s why we created the PHASE Alliance. There is a critical need for comprehensive programs that address the root causes of sexual exploitation and the needs of underserved survivors to reduce victimization, and PHASE is uniquely positioned to fill those gaps through our high-impact programs.”

PHASE will work to create a world where the collective strengths of these three organizations significantly reduce victimization and change society. Imagine every individual being informed and aware and survivors being heard, helped, and experiencing healing. The PHASE Alliance was founded in 2024.

By working together and alongside a team of clinical professionals, industry experts, survivors, and advocates, we can make a bigger impact in the fight against sexual exploitation.

Check out this video from PHASE Alliance to learn more.


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