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My Partner’s Compassion Helped Me Quit Porn for Good || Drew’s Story (VIDEO)

Drew's partner's reaction of compassion helped him to find lasting recovery and give him the strength to truly remain porn-free.

Drew struggled with pornography since his first exposure to it while in middle school, and he carried the shame of an unwanted compulsive habit for years.

After finding a supportive community in college, Drew thought he had finally broken free from porn but his struggle came back once he had left school. It wasn’t until he confessed his continued struggle to his now-wife after one of their premarital counseling sessions that he was able to let go of shame.

Related: Drew’s Story: How My Fiancée Inspired Me to Quit Porn Permanently

Her reaction of responding with compassion helped to lead him down the road of lasting recovery and give him the strength to truly remain porn-free.

Today, Drew is the founder of the recovery organization, Husband Material. To learn more about Drew, visit, or look for his book, “Redeemed Sexuality: 12 Sessions For Healing And Transformation,” on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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