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Dr. John Foubert Speaks Out on Porn’s Connections to Sexual Violence | Truth About Porn

Dr. Foubert is an interdisciplinary scholar with over 50 peer-reviewed publications that have appeared in some of the top-ranked journals in Education, Psychology, and Gender Studies.

Dr. Foubert is an interdisciplinary scholar with over 50 peer-reviewed publications that have appeared in some of the top-ranked journals in Education, Psychology, and Gender Studies.

Dr. Foubert has written seven books about the prevention of sexual violence and two about managing life in college residence halls. How Pornography Harms: Today’s Research, Scholarly Perspectives, and Real Life Stories is his 10th book, and the one he hopes will have the broadest appeal to college students, parents, and the public at large.

Listen below to Dr. John Foubert’s interview on Consider Before Consuming, a podcast by Fight the New Drug, or by clicking here or by visiting wherever you listen to podcasts.

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